Molecular aspects of optic nerve autophagy in glaucoma

ElsevierVolume 94, December 2023, 101217Molecular Aspects of MedicineAuthor links open overlay panel, Abstract

The optic nerve consists of the glia, vessels, and axons including myelin and axoplasm. Since axonal degeneration precedes retinal ganglion cell death in glaucoma, the preceding axonal degeneration model may be helpful for understanding the molecular mechanisms of optic nerve degeneration. Optic nerve samples from these models can provide information on several aspects of autophagy. Autophagosomes, the most typical organelles expressing autophagy, are found much more frequently inside axons than around the glia. Thus, immunoblot findings from the optic nerve can reflect the autophagy state in axons. Autophagic flux impairment may occur in degenerating optic nerve axons, as in other central nervous system neurodegenerative diseases. Several molecular candidates are involved in autophagy enhancement, leading to axonal protection. This concept is an attractive approach to the prevention of further retinal ganglion cell death. In this review, we describe the factors affecting autophagy, including nicotinamide riboside, p38, ULK, AMPK, ROCK, and SIRT1, in the optic nerve and propose potential methods of axonal protection via enhancement of autophagy.




Optic nerve





© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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