Modeling the continuous recognition paradigm to determine how retrieval can impact subsequent retrievals

There are several ways in which retrieval during a memory test can harm memory: (a) retrieval can cause an increase in interference due to the storage of additional information (i.e., item-noise); (b) retrieval can decrease accessibility to studied items due to context drift; and (c) retrieval can result in a trade in accuracy for speed as testing progresses. While these mechanisms produce similar outcomes in a study-test paradigm, they are dissociated in the ‘continuous’ recognition paradigm, where items are presented continuously and a participant’s task is to detect a repeat of an item. In this paradigm, context drift results in worse performance with increasing study-test lag (the lag effect), whereas increasing item-noise is evident in a decrease in performance for later test trials in the sequence (the test position effect [TPE]). In the present investigation, we measured the influences of item-noise, context drift, and decision-related factors in a novel continuous recognition dataset using variants of the Osth et al. (2018) global matching model. We fit both choice and response times at the single trial level using state-of-the-art hierarchical Bayesian methods while incorporating crucial amendments to the modeling framework, including multiple context scales and sequential effects. We found that item-noise was responsible for producing the TPE, context drift decreased the magnitude of the TPE (by diminishing the impact of item-noise), and speed-accuracy changes had some minor effects that varied across participants.

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