Ethics of artificial intelligence in prenatal and pediatric genomic medicine

Below we examine AI applied in three settings: prenatal genomic sequencing, rapid genomic sequencing for critically ill children, and reanalysis of genomic data obtained from children. These settings each raise some similar and different issues. We should stress that the precise risks and benefits of genomic AI would need to be established for each application and model, not just for each early life setting. Different AI models can have quite different workings and implications. Furthermore, different contexts (e.g., different patient cohorts) could affect the accuracy and fairness of a given algorithm, as could ongoing changes to the algorithm due to the input of new data.

AI in prenatal genomic sequencing

One of the most costly and time-consuming aspects of GS is “variant calling.” When a patient’s genome is sequenced, there are likely to be many different genomic variations compared to a reference genome. Most of this variation will have a negligible effect on people’s health. Identifying which variants are part of the natural background variation and which cause disease is thus a major challenge for GS. Clinical interpretation of genetic variants in the context of the patient’s phenotype remains largely manual, is extremely labor-intensive, and requires highly trained expert input.

Use of genomic sequencing (GS) is increasingly prevalent for fetuses identified as having an abnormality on ultrasound. GS has a much greater chance of identifying the likely cause of fetal abnormality than the previous gold standard: chromosomal microarray (CMA) (Dugoff et al. 2016). However, GS also has greater potential to identify incidental findings (Fu et al. 2022; Guadagnolo et al. 2021; Plantinga et al. 2022; Vears et al. 2018) — that is, variants in disease-causing genes that are unrelated to the phenotype under investigation and found by chance during analysis. Incidental findings require decisions about whether they are reported back to the referring clinician and patient or prospective parents. Whether or not to return incidental findings and/or secondary findings in the prenatal setting has been highly contested and few guidelines published by professional bodies address this issue (Vears and Amor 2022). However, decisions made during the analysis also influence whether or not these incidental findings are seen in the first place (Vears et al. 2021).

Laboratory scientists can use bioinformatic filters to “mask” particular sets of genes they wish to exclude from the analysis. Scientists could for example mask BRCA genes that predispose to breast and ovarian cancer when they are analyzing the GS data of a child, to preserve their right not to know their at-risk status and so promote their future autonomy as adults. A laboratory with parental samples can also filter by inheritance pattern so that only new (de novo) variants in the fetus, or variants requiring two copies of the gene to be knocked out (one from each parent; autosomal recessive conditions), will be seen. Both strategies can minimize incidental findings that could have implications for children, and also for their parents.

For parents who wish to avoid findings that are associated with unclear benefits, these filtering strategies can help promote autonomous choices and avoid causing them harm in the form of anxiety or distress. However, some parents may genuinely want to receive all findings, even if there is only a small chance those findings will be actionable or clinically relevant for their child. For these parents, filtering may subvert rather than promote autonomy.

As we noted, current analysis practices for GS data require laborious manual curation (bringing together and weighing the evidence to decide whether the variant/s identified are the cause of the condition under investigation). Hence, AI for analyzing prenatal GS data could bring significant benefit for patients and society more generally by increasing speed and efficiency and decreasing costs. In the short term, automated analysis and curation of the data would reduce turnaround times for issuing reports, which is particularly important in the time-critical prenatal setting. AI could facilitate incorporation of data from multiple databases that hold the critical information for making judgments about the likelihood a variant is responsible for the abnormalities identified. It could also incorporate an ML system where over time the AI could improve and refine its processes.

Theoretically, ultrasound information would also be used as a filter to ensure genes selected for analysis are consistent with seen abnormalities. ML methods used in ultrasound can find correlations between data that do not necessarily map onto causes of conditions (Dastani and Yazdanpanah 2023). This need not always affect accuracy and utility, though sometimes it will. The better the incorporation of the evidence, such as population variant frequencies, protein modelling, and genotype-phenotype correlations, the more accurate the prediction of variants likely to be causative. As more available genome data are fed through the system, the learning capabilities of the AI system may increase the accuracy of predictions of pathogenicity (although that is certainly not guaranteed).

Perhaps more importantly, as changes in the population occur, artificial learning capabilities that are not “locked” but that rather receive updated training on relevant new data could react more quickly than human personnel, who would themselves need updated training. Equally importantly, AI analysis is less resource-intensive because manual curation requires laboratory scientists, of which there is a shortage.

However, genomic AI in this prenatal domain also raises risks. To start with, imagine a future where, instead of a laboratory scientist making decisions about which genes are analyzed and which findings are returned from prenatal GS, we rely solely on the analysis and outputs of a powerful DNN. Blackboxes lack intrinsic transparency because the input data is analyzed in ways even the programmers do not understand. Accordingly, it may be unclear how decisions about which genes were included in the analysis were made. In some cases, it may be hard to decipher the ruleset used to determine which results get returned to the referring doctor and parents. This is particularly challenging considering the very real potential for incidental findings to be identified.

It is thus necessary to design ML systems from the outset to reduce the chances of returning incidental findings. Even then, a lack of interpretability could diminish autonomy. While in most cases prospective parents may not want to know the underlying reasoning behind a child’s diagnosis, or how reliable a diagnosis is, both are reasonable requests that some parents have. Indeed, some studies show parents can indeed be concerned about transparency in pediatric AI and its consequences for decision-making (Sisk et al. 2020). Thus, while medical personnel may feel that AI is just “another computer system,” parents may feel differently.

As well as wanting to know the grounds of a diagnosis following identification of ultrasound abnormalities, parents may want to know why incidental findings were among the outputs of the AI, if that is part of its remit. For example, the AI is likely to be programmed to assess aspects, such as the likely pathogenicity of the variant, the potential for some kind of action to be taken, or the age the condition is likely to begin exhibiting symptoms. Yet, parents might be wondering whether the AI is designed to only take into account potential benefits of early disclosure of incidental findings for the fetus or is also designed to take into account the potential benefit for the parents in having this information, such as for their own health. They might want to know if there is some early intervention that could ameliorate the unrelated condition. While the possibility and implications of returning incidental finds should be discussed before an ultrasound is conducted, in some cases, these questions will only occur to parents after a result has been returned.

Respect for autonomy requires obtaining informed consent for medical interventions and tests, which means that patients or parents need to understand its risks and benefits. Informed consent for AI employment may require explanation of unfamiliar or somewhat controversial technologies that cause anxiety in some people, and careful dialogue with parents about a diagnostic system’s strengths and weaknesses (e.g., from limited interpretability). However, it may be more difficult to obtain truly informed consent from patients if we cannot be sure which results will be identified and returned. Although obtaining informed consent is an issue with genomic sequencing in general, the problem is exacerbated by AI if we do not know how decisions about what to report are being made. AI systems should not be designed to bypass parents’ autonomous wishes not to receive incidental findings if they opt out during the consent process.

As the principle of nonmaleficence requires, medical AI must be carefully evaluated against its known harms and its potential risks to human beings (Dias and Torkamani 2019, p. 8). ML models can suffer from generalizability problems when applied to new data, resulting in false positives or negatives. Training and test data, for example, may differ in important but unforeseen ways from data encountered in clinical applications, causing problems known as algorithmic underfitting or overfitting. For example, an overfitted ML model may internalize “noisy” parts of the dataset (Eche et al. 2021) and thus fail to generalize well to other datasets from current children or fetuses. Also, an algorithm that is continuously updated with new data (rather than “locked” after initial training and testing) runs some risk of losing accuracy and thus posing risks of harm to its target population. Hence, it will require ongoing testing and validation.

It is already known that additional risks arise from genetic screening for early illness or abnormality at scale. AI could play a role in scaling up risks. Research shows, for example, that AI can increase overdiagnosis (Capurro et al. 2022). AI may identify many additional variants that are associated with genetic disease but that lack a definitive causative effect or that may not be associated with clinical benefit. This could cause unnecessary anxiety and distress for parents. Consider the detection of variants in the fetus that predispose adults to develop breast cancer when a majority will either never develop tumors or develop them at a life stage where treatment is not beneficial. Prenatal detection could mean that parents might elect to terminate their pregnancy based on a dubious cancer risk.

Another important ethical issue concerns privacy and security of data within AI systems that are trained on copious sensitive data. Analysis of data from current prenatal cases will be most effective when there are large amounts of data from previous cases to compare with, provided the information about the clinical picture of the fetus (e.g., what the fetal abnormalities are) is linked to the genomic data. This becomes important for ultra-rare conditions where individuals are particularly identifiable.

It has been argued that we should not disclose certain genetic test results when they are strong risks to a fetal privacy (Botkin 1995). These considerations are especially relevant in the case of ultra-rare conditions. However, genomic data from individuals with ultra-rare conditions will be an especially valuable resource, when linked to clinical information, and would be highly sought after by pharmaceutical and insurance companies. Access to predictive information, such as incidental findings predisposing the child-to-be and (in most cases) one of their parents to an adult-onset condition (e.g., hereditary breast and ovarian cancer), could have major implications for that family’s ability to receive insurance cover in some locations.

AI in rapid genomics for time-critical pediatric treatment decisions

Each year millions of infants are born with genetic disorders; perhaps 6% of all children enter the world with serious birth defects of genetic or partially genetic origin (Zarocostas 2006). Fortunately, care is improving for critically unwell children due to increased utilization and speed of GS in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units (PICU) (Collins 2019). Some groups can now sequence genomes in days rather than months, meaning clinicians can receive test results by morning rounds of their next shift (Clark et al. 2019; Gorzynski et al. 2022; Kingsmore et al. 2015). The speed record for GS is now just over 5 h (Doxzen 2022).

Rapid GS has most utility for critically ill children (Clark et al. 2019) for whom a diagnosis in the next 24–48 h has led to improved health outcomes, as well as to a more efficient use of medical resources via transfer to end of life care when further treatment is deemed futile. The diagnostic yield of rapid GS in this population is over 50% and, in some cases, it identifies relatively simple treatments that are lifesaving. More commonly, but also beneficially, it reduces the need for painful and invasive diagnostic investigations before children are transferred to end of life care. Several studies from children’s hospitals worldwide also indicate that rapid GS will create healthcare savings (Carey et al. 2020; Farnaes et al. 2018; Goranitis et al. 2022).

As mentioned previously, clinical interpretation of genetic variants is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming. Recently, a number of algorithms based on machine learning have been developed that help to automate this process, and may help improve the speed and reduce the cost of GS (De La Vega et al. 2021). However, this development raises the question of how much influence over treatment decisions AI should have. In an acute care setting, variant calling can make the difference between a child’s care continuing or being withdrawn. If variant calling is in the hands of AI systems, then these systems will strongly influence whether some children are offered treatment or instead directed to palliative care. This potentially raises several ethical concerns.

One potential concern is the lack of interpretability of deep learning models. Low algorithmic transparency can hamper trust in recommendations and cause either unjustified uptake or unjustified rejection of AI (Jacovi et al. 2021). The former could cause harm to patients, while the latter could deprive them of benefits. Furthermore, variant calling could be made more complex by a lack of transparency about an AI model’s workings due to proprietary secrecy. We may then ask whether in time-critical situations (e.g., in PICU) minimal transparency—especially when the AI prediction (e.g., diagnosis) or recommendation (e.g., withdrawal of care) is surprising or unexpected—will hinder effective delivery of treatment such that the harm done to children is immediate and potentially irreversible.

Another concern involves misleading AI outputs. This can occur when, for example, algorithms are (perhaps inadvertently) trained on some non-representative data. It is a potential risk to equity or justice as well as nonmaleficence if an AI has been trained on, say, primarily white populations and the infant has non-white genetic ancestry. Furthermore, patients who are statistical outliers can still be classed as part of a larger cluster or segment of cases, and thus be misdiagnosed. ML models cannot recognize this, but expert decision makers (sometimes) can.

Moreover, many or most AI systems, even when validated in the laboratory, have not been extensively tested in real-world situations (Rogers et al. 2021). In variant calling, there is the potential for systems to flag variants that are associated with disease in one situation but not in another. This is particularly worrying for critically ill children. While automation can sometimes minimize human errors in medicine, the aforementioned problem of automation bias (Goddard et al. 2012) suggests a need to provide even stronger evidence that these systems do not harm patients/parents, especially when they are relatively unfamiliar to practitioners. Note that these problems of unrepresentative data and errors in real-life applications are problems that also affect the genomic prenatal (previous section) and reanalysis (next section) settings.

A final concern involves accountability. As noted, AI’s reliability can be hard to establish. An AI system might be accurate for a given set of cases but unreliable or biased for another. And, once again, AI can occasionally make false predictions no competent human would make. Yet because it can be difficult to determine when a deep learning AI model succeeds and fails, it is harder to assign responsibility for patient harms. A responsibility gap (Santoni de Sio and Mecacci 2021) may emerge when there is a failure to clearly assign liability amongst practitioners, tech companies, hospitals, and health systems.

Imagine a child has care withdrawn because of an AI-generated variant call, which turns out to be wrong. Who bears responsibility? Given that such time-critical decisions may have enormous and immediate consequences for very sick children, the responsibility gap problem could be acute. Thus, AI in time-critical pediatric medicine (and other settings) requires careful formulation of accountability mechanisms that assign responsibility fairly to one or (usually) more parties without undermining trust in beneficial AI systems.

AI for genomic reanalysis in pediatric contexts

Although GS substantially increases diagnostic yield for many genetic conditions, there are many pediatric patients for whom a genetic cause remains unknown. Often this is because knowledge of the genes that cause some diseases and the relevant types of changes in the DNA within known genes is lacking. Some believe that “[i]deally, all unsolved cases would be reanalyzed automatically periodically, and a subset with high likelihood of new findings would be prioritized for manual review” (De La Vega et al. 2021, p. 15). A literature review of 27 reanalysis studies reported a median new diagnosis rate of 15% (0.08–83.33) after one-off reanalysis at a median timeframe of 22 months (Tan et al. 2020). As more variants enter variant databases, many currently undiagnosed cases will probably be solved. This requires that previously analyzed samples from children be reanalyzed. Some institutions are doing this, with increases in diagnostic yield being demonstrated (Dai et al. 2022). Yet this process usually still necessitates considerable manual curation, requiring laboratory scientists to compile and assess new evidence relating to each potentially causative variant, which requires resources.

Typically, the cost of a GS test does not include funding for further analysis down the track. Therefore, if reanalysis was to take place using current methods, someone would need to pay for it. Other questions concern how and when reanalysis should occur: Should it be triggered by the referring clinician or the laboratory? If the clinician, how do we ensure all patients have access to it? If the lab, how often is appropriate to balance benefit versus costs? It is unsurprising, then, that routine automation of reanalysis is considered ideal (Lu et al. 2020).

As in other scenarios, automation of reanalysis using AI could increase the accuracy of variant detection and curation through better incorporation of evidence from databases and improved pattern matching. However, a main advantage would be to increase the scale of reanalysis, resulting in more diagnoses for patients. The reduced need for manual curation would reduce human workload, allowing more frequent reanalysis. In fact, reanalysis could be continuous without requiring a trigger from the elapse of a particular time since the last reanalysis or clinician referral. This means that any updates to the bioinformatics pipeline that are implemented (either a new gene identified relating to a particular condition or new information that strengthens or weakens evidence of an association between a variant and a phenotype) would be immediately applied to existing datasets, reducing delays in returning potentially clinically actionable diagnoses to patients.

There are several issues here when AI is involved. An important one is the potential for biases in AI analysis and any consequent injustice and harm against certain individuals or groups. Harmful and unjust bias can result from poorly representative or skewed training data that concerns (say) minoritized groups. As noted, such bias can be more difficult to identify and correct in less transparent “blackbox” systems. Approximately 70% of the existing genome-wide association studies are based on populations with European ancestry (Landry et al. 2018). Hence, there are already inequities in the healthcare provided to individuals of non-European origin when GS is involved. Variants that might very well be common in these populations may be classified as rare and potentially disease-causing in individuals purely because we lack enough population-specific GS data to compare it to (Viswanathan et al. 2018).

Although there is a push internationally to increase the diversity of genomes in these databases, this will take time. If ML is implemented here too early, it may exacerbate existing biases and inequities. Of course, automation of reanalysis without ML would still be beneficial, and reanalysis algorithms could be written and controlled by laboratory scientists as a first step. However, because the progressive introduction of ML is almost inevitable, these issues will need to be carefully considered beforehand.

As with the prenatal scenario, automation of reanalysis using AI in the pediatric context also poses issues for autonomy and consent. Indeed, additional challenges stem from the ongoing nature of the reanalysis: over time the undiagnosed child may reach an age where they have capacity to consent to their own medical care. Yet there may or may not be systems in place to recontact the family to ask whether the now-adult person wishes their data to be indefinitely reanalyzed. One solution could be that the system, as well as reanalyzing the data, also detects when the child is approaching adulthood and notifies the family of the ability to reconsent/withdraw from reanalysis. While this system would reduce the need for genetic health professionals to recontact families, it raises several problems.

First, ideally, rather than just asking for the patient to reconsent when they reach the age of majority, there should be an ongoing conversation from the time when the child is able to comprehend—at an age-appropriate level—that a cause for their condition is being investigated (Jeremic et al. 2016). Second, typically, the medical records will only have contact details for the parents rather than the child. Alerting the parents could violate the child’s right to privacy.

Third, it will sometimes be unclear at the time genomic data is generated whether that child will ever acquire the capacity to consent to this process, and it may be upsetting for parents to receive such a request when their child reaches 18 years of age. Some children may also die before their 18th birthday. Having an automated AI system without some way of assessing whether recontact is appropriate may cause unnecessary distress for families. These issues clearly generate ethical, logistical, and governance challenges for ensuring that the interests and rights of patients and parents are protected.

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