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Disclosure Statement: The authors and planners have disclosed that they have no financial relationships related to this article.
Provider Accreditation:
This activity is approved for 1.0 contact hour of continuing education by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Activity ID 23096334. This activity was planned in accordance with AANP CE Standards and Policies.
This activity is also provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 11749 for 1.0 contact hour. Lippincott Professional Development is also an approved District of Columbia, Georgia, West Virginia, New Mexico, SouthCarolina, and Florida, CEBroker, CE Broker #50-1223. Your certificate is valid in all states.
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DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000946
Learning Outcome: Seventy-five percent of participants will demonstrate knowledge of current research regarding aging with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and hypermobility spectrum disorders by achieving a minimum score of 70% on the outcomes-based posttest.
Learning Objectives: After completing this continuing professional development activity, the participant will apply knowledge gained to:
1. Recognize the background evidence that informed the study. 2. Select the results of the review that provided insight about the symptoms of hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and hypermobility spectrum disorders. 3. Choose the results of the review that recognized associations between aging and the symptoms of hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and hypermobility spectrum disorders. 1. The defining feature of hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome/hypermobility spectrum disorders (hEDS/HSD) is a. chronic pain worsening with aging. b. progressive multisystem dysfunction. c. the ability to move a joint past its normal limits. 2. Compared with males, females with hEDS/HSD are a. less likely to be symptomatic. b. more likely to be symptomatic. c. about as likely to be symptomatic. 3. The results of the authors' review indicated that the type of pain most reported among those with hEDS/HDS was a. musculoskeletal. b. pelvic/vaginal. c. abdominal. 4. In addition to pain, which of the following symptoms was also reported in many of the studies included in the review? a. muscle weakness b. sleep disturbances c. severe, chronic fatigue 5. In most of the participants in the studies, symptoms eventually became multisystemic and included a. cardiovascular dysfunction. b. endocrine instability. c. cognitive decline. 6. Scheper et al. (2016) found that, compared with normal controls, hypermobile participants had muscle strength that was a. weaker. b. similar. c. stronger. 7. Similar to the findings of Castori et al. (2010a, 2011), the Mulvey et al. (2013) study indicated that joint hypermobility prevalence a. did not change with age. b. increased with age. c. decreased with age. 8. Glayzer et al. (2021) found that the odds of vulvodynia in women with hEDS/HSD a. increased linearly with increased age. b. decreased linearly with increased age. c. showed no changes with increased age. 9. Coussens et al. (2021) demonstrated that, in people with hEDS/HSD who participate in regular physical therapy and exercise, muscle strength a. always decreases over time. b. might not decrease over time. c. usually will increase over time. 10. The authors noted that their study of individuals with hEDS/HSD showed that their health-related quality of life a. was not associated with age. b. tended to improve with age. c. tended to decline with age.JAANP1023
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