The influence of e-learning on the study life and psychology of medical freshmen

The learning behavior can be divided into class effect and in-class status. The influence on learning cognition is respectively 0.332 and 0.275. The effects of the learning environment on learning behavior as a whole and on individuals are respectively 0.541, 0.518, and 0.524.

Many studies have explored the interaction between learning cognition, learning behavior, and learning environment. Some studies have found that learning cognitive processes, such as attention, memory, reasoning, and problem solving, have important effects on learning behavior. For example, students' understanding of learning tasks and use of cognitive strategies will affect their learning behaviors, such as learning time allocation, attention allocation, and learning strategy selection. Learning environment can have a significant impact on learning behavior. For example, an actively supportive learning environment, such as encouraging cooperative learning, providing rich learning resources, and teaching methods that stimulate interest in learning, may promote more active participation of students in learning behaviors and improve learning outcomes. Research also focuses on the interaction between learning cognition, learning behavior, and learning environment. These interactions can be complex and dynamic. For example, cognitive levels of learning may influence how students perceive and evaluate the learning environment and determine their learning behavior. At the same time, the characteristics of learning environment and the outcome of learning behavior can in turn affect the development of learning cognition.

Based on the discussion above, we make two suggestions:

Improve the adaptability to E-learning of medical freshmen

This is mainly about the learning attitude and environment. Learning attitude can be improved by increasing the sense of study and developing students' emotional experience of learning and willingness to invest in learning (Chiu 2021). We should let students know the meaning of study. At the same time, we should give students full support.

On the internet, software companies can increase their research on software applicability, Telecommunications companies need to offer plans which students can afford.

At the school, strengthen the system of rewards and punishments in teaching in order to let teachers spend more effort on activities such as preparation ot teaching method. We should also pay more attention to the use of advanced technology, put it into the teaching process to let technology serve us better through virtual platforms, 3D Touch, AI, and so on (Chen et al. 2020) in order to include a number of models and mathematical structures that we were unable to use in teaching previously.

For teachers, online learning is a new approach full of opportunities. Teachers should introduce new teaching concepts and combine the old with the new in the teaching process (Pregowska et al. 2021) so as to better adapt to the general learning trend. Teachers should pay more attention to the problems they may encounter in the course of online learning when preparing for class, so as to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Because of the particularity of the online learning environment, teaching often does not have the appeal and affinity of offline learning. (Staudt Willet and Carpenter 2020). So teachers need to be innovative in class, adding some more vivid elements and attracting students' attention to promote the teaching process. Teachers can introduce cartoon characters instead of their own characters, or set reverse questions, or adopt a points system, students who reach a certain quantity of points being rewarded accordingly to improve the vitality of the classroom. At the same time, the management of students' learning progress and effect after class can be strengthened; teachers can set homework to urge students to study. In order to avoid plagiarism, semi-personalized work can be used to keep each student actively involved.

For the freshmen, they can get experience of medical learning from their fellow students and put more effort into their study instead of indulging in computer games or other online activities.

Also, it is necessary to try our best to promise our students that they can learn in a satisfactory environment. We can improve the classroom environment and the capacity of the library, so that more students can study in a relatively quiet and open environment rather than the dormitory. We can rationalize the division of classroom and library space, for example installing sound insulation panels to personalize the space. For students at home, we can communicate more with parents to help them realize the importance of giving their children a good learning environment, and give some help in doing that to families in need.

In addition, we believe that the online and offline cooperative teaching mode can be carried out. After everything is restored to normal, we can learn from the experience we currently know, and combine online and offline teaching, so that students can still improve and consolidate their knowledge structure online after offline teaching, for example carrying out relevant courses on the learning platform, and recording their courses.

Strengthen the psychological monitoring of medical freshmen

Students are relatively young. They cannot have a clear view of the world and the ability to solve all the difficulties they meet. So, schools and school teachers should pick up the baton, pay more attention to psychology, taking measures such as strengthening mental health education, giving special students individualized psychological counseling. At the same time, the contact between school and family needs to be strengthened, so that parents can play an effective guardian role to ensure that the school can carry out teaching activities safely and effectively.

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