Secondary mania refers to a manic episode that arises during a medical illness other than bipolar disorder or in response to a drug or medication. As the psychopathological features of secondary mania resemble those of mania due to bipolar disorder, misdiagnosis is frequent.
Purpose and Basic Procedures:We present the case of a 20-year-old woman who developed a manic episode with psychotic symptoms, in whom polymicrogyria, a malformation of the cortical development with abnormal electroencephalographic activity, was documented. After initiating antiepileptic management, the affective symptoms completely subsided.
Main Findings:To date, no specific recommendations are available concerning when to perform advanced studies in patients with a manic episode; however, as our case shows, these are much needed.
Principal Conclusion:Because the treatment of secondary conditions largely depends on finding the underlying cause, patients with a new-onset mania should undergo a thorough assessment for secondary causes.
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