ChatGPT’s ability to comprehend and answer cirrhosis related questions in Arabic

Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) is a large language model which was released by the company OpenAI in November 2022 and has exponentially grown in popularity among the general public worldwide [1]. This model was trained on a large dataset from a broad range of topics although the exact data source is unknown. It has the capability to comprehend user questions and respond with easy to understand, conversational and seemingly knowledgeable answers. A recent study examined the knowledge of ChatGPT related to Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma and found the model answered 79% of questions with correct responses, 47% of which were graded as comprehensive [2]. Its ability to answer clinical questions has also been examined in other topics such as bariatric surgery and cancer [3], [4]. These studies utilized the English language when prompting ChatGPT, while data regarding its ability to comprehend and respond in other languages is limited.

Cirrhosis is a chronic progressive disease where adherence to medication regimens, lifestyle modifications, regular follow up and routine cancer screening is critical to achieving optimal outcomes. Given the complexity of care required to manage this disease, patient health knowledge is essential, with one study showing an association between poor health literacy and poor liver function [5]. Furthermore, the usefulness of information from online health platforms and large hepatology centers in the United States, Europe and Asia may be limited by lengthy text and complexity of language [6]. Although most of the large hepatology centers publish information in English, a large portion of patients seeking such information don’t speak or understand English. Considering these challenges, large language models such as ChatGPT may serve as a valuable easy to understand, quick and accessible source of information for patients with cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is on the rise in the Arab countries and ranked the 7th leading cause of death in the Arab League during the year 2010 [7]. Furthermore, displacement and migration of citizens from the middle east sharply rose from 2005 to 2015 with doubling of migrant populations from the region [8]. Large language models may be leveraged to help citizens of Arab countries as well as bridge language barriers for Arabic speaking migrants around the world who have cirrhosis. We examined the ability of ChatGPT to understand liver cirrhosis related questions written in Arabic and assess the accuracy of its responses. To put its performance in context, we compared ChatGPT’s performance when responding to English and Arabic questions.

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