Effect of a 24-Week Concurrent Exercise Intervention on Neck Adiposity and Its Distribution in Young Adults: The ACTIBATE Randomized Controlled Trial

Figure 1

—Effect of the 24-week concurrent exercise intervention on the compartmental (subcutaneous, intermuscular, and perivertebral) and total NAT volumes and neck circumference. Only the exercisers who attended more than 70% of total training sessions and adhered to the training intensity established for each group (explained in statistical analysis section) were included. The presented model was not adjusted for any confounder (raw model, Model 0). The left panels (a, c, e, g, and i) show the mean value ± SD of the neck measurements before and after the intervention. The right panels (b, d, f, h, and j) show the mean and SE (as well as the scatterplot) of the change in neck measurements after the intervention (Postintervention − Preintervention values). Bootstrapping ANOVA was used to analyze the dose–response effect with no adjustments (Model 0). Bootstraps for pairwise comparisons were used to detect differences among groups. Mean differences and 95% bias-corrected-and-accelerated confidence intervals (based on 1,000 bootstrap samples) are provided. Significant differences (p ≤ .05) are highlighted in bold. ANOVA = analysis of variance; CON = control group; MOD-EX = moderate-intensity exercise group; NAT = neck adipose tissue; VIG-EX = vigorous-intensity exercise group.

Citation: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 33, 5; 10.1123/ijsnem.2022-0246

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