From the Wayne State University School of Social Work (Panisch), Detroit, Michigan; Translational Biomedical Science (Murphy), University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry; Wynne Center for Family Research (Murphy, Duberstein, Arnold, O’Connor), University of Rochester; Biostatistics and Computational Biology (Wu, Qiu), University of Rochester Medical Center; Obstetrics and Gynecology (Brunner, Best, Barrett, Miller, O’Connor) and Psychology (Duberstein, Arnold, O’Connor), University of Rochester, Rochester, New York; Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Rutgers School of Public Health (Barrett); Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (Barrett), Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey; and Neuroscience (O’Connor) and Psychiatry (O’Connor), University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
Supplemental Digital Content
Address correspondence to Lisa S. Panisch, PhD, MSW, Wayne State University School of Social Work, 5447 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48202. E-mail: [email protected]
ORCID IDs: 0000-0001-9463-129X (L.S.P.); 0000-0001-6209-5883 (H.R.M.); 0000-0002-6522-756X (Z.T.D.); 0000-0002-8803-5480 (M.S.A.); 0000-0001-9463-524X (E.S.B.); 0000-0002-8590-5057 (T.G.O.).
Received for publication October 12, 2022; revision received April 27, 2023.
Article Editor: Daryl O’Connor
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