ChooseTop of pageABSTRACTI. INTRODUCTION <<II. PREPARATION OF THE SA...III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSIV. THEORYV. SUMMARYSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALREFERENCESSemiconductor microcavity containing quantum wells (QWs) is an example of an optical resonator with strong nonlinear effects. In the strong light–matter coupling regime, cavity photons mix with excitons, forming quasiparticles called exciton–polaritons (in short, polaritons). Polaritons, despite their photonic origin, strongly interact with each other via Coulomb interactions due to the excitonic component.
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According to the description above, it results in a counterclockwise dependence in the diagram of the output power as a function of the input power.In this work, we describe the inverted type of bistability that we created in a CdTe-based microcavity. To show the novelty of our results, it is useful to compare the experimental input–output power characteristics measured at two different laser energies. Figure 1(a) illustrates the dispersion relation of polariton modes, with quasi-resonant laser energies marked with (1) and (2). When the energy of the laser is above the lower polariton mode energy, as in the case of (1), the measured input–output power characteristics are presented in Fig. 1(b). It exhibits a counterclockwise direction and qualitatively resembles the hysteresis loop reported previously in the literature.22,3922. A. Baas, J. P. Karr, H. Eleuch, and E. Giacobino, “Optical bistability in semiconductor microcavities,” Phys. Rev. A 69, 023809 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1103/physreva.69.02380939. A. Baas, J.-P. Karr, M. Romanelli, A. Bramati, and E. Giacobino, “Optical bistability in semiconductor microcavities in the nondegenerate parametric oscillation regime: Analogy with the optical parametric oscillator,” Phys. Rev. B 70, 161307 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.70.161307 However, when the laser energy is below the lower polariton energy, as in the case of (2), the system develops another hysteresis loop, which exhibits an unexpected shape. This new type of optical bistability with an inverted (clockwise) hysteresis direction is shown in Fig. 1(c). As the input power is increased, the transmitted light intensity increases linearly. Furthermore, the system abruptly switches from the strong coupling regime to the weak coupling regime, which is observed as a sudden drop in the transmitted light intensity. 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We theoretically explain all the effects in terms of suppression of strong coupling and polariton energy reduction and compare them with the case of Kerr-type interactions in Sec. .II. PREPARATION OF THE SAMPLE
ChooseTop of pageABSTRACTI. INTRODUCTIONII. PREPARATION OF THE SA... <<III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSIV. THEORYV. SUMMARYSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALREFERENCESIn detail, the investigated semiconductor optical microcavity structure consisted of two Bragg mirrors (DBRs), each made of 20 pairs of alternating CdTe layers alloyed with magnesium and zinc. The 600 nm thick cavity between the DBRs was formed by a (Cd,Zn,Mg)Te layer. Within the cavity layer, 6 CdTe:Mn QWs were placed at the maxima of the electric field distribution.
ChooseTop of pageABSTRACTI. INTRODUCTIONII. PREPARATION OF THE SA...III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS <<IV. THEORYV. SUMMARYSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALREFERENCESThe transmissive semiconductor microcavity obtained by the wet exfoliation process was located in a cryostat at a temperature of 4.5 K.
Measurements were performed to determine the dependence of the intensity of the light transmitted through the sample on the power of the incident laser beam. Such input–output optical power characteristics were collected at various energies of the laser, tuned in the spectral region of the lower polariton mode. A linearly polarized continuous wave laser beam from a tunable Ti:sapphire source was focused on the sample using a lens with a focal length f = 25.4 mm. The diameter of the laser spot on the sample was around 12 µm. The transmitted signal was collected with a 50× microscope objective with a numerical aperture of NA = 0.55. The incident and transmitted laser powers were simultaneously measured by two detectors: one placed before the cryostat and the second one behind the sample. The laser power was changed in the range from single microwatts to tens of milliwatts. The incident power was automatically adjusted in a continuous manner with the angle of a half-wave plate mounted on a programmable rotation stage before a linear polarizer.
The input–output power characteristics, measured for different laser energies, are shown in Fig. 3. Detuning is defined as the energy difference between the laser energy and the minimum of the lower polariton branch, δ = EP − ELP(k = 0). In the case of laser energy (1), at δ = 4.1 meV, a hysteresis loop was observed in the 30–40 mW input power range. While increasing the power of the incident laser, the system abruptly switched to a higher transmission state at around 38 mW. While reducing the incident optical power, the system switched to a lower transmission state at around 33 mW, forming a hysteresis loop with a counterclockwise direction. Although the observed input–output characteristics resemble the optical bistability originating from the Kerr-like nonlinearity of lower polaritons, in our system, it has a different origin. As will be discussed in detail in Sec. , here, it is a result of the energy crossing between the laser and the strongly redshifting upper polariton mode. As the laser energy is detuned closer to the lower polariton, this hysteresis loop shifts toward higher pumping powers.As the energy was decreased to approach the minimum of the lower polariton branch, the bistable behavior for the input power around 30 mW moved away from the measured range of pumping powers. Under these conditions, the system acts as an optical limiter. For laser detuning δ = 1.0 meV above the lower polariton mode, the transmitted light intensity increases almost linearly with the input power up to 7.5 mW. Then, the optical limiting occurs, with the transmitted power being almost independent of the excitation intensity. At δ = 0 meV, the range of linear input–output dependence increases to 10 mW. For higher pump intensities, the output power slightly decreases and saturates.
When the laser energy is tuned below the minimum of the lower polariton mode, a qualitatively different phenomenon emerges. We observe a new hysteresis loop with the direction inverted with respect to the common counterclockwise hysteresis. It has a triangular shape and stems from a cusp formed at the maximum of transmitted power. The appearance of a new type of hysteresis is the result of physical processes that will be discussed in detail alongside our theoretical model in Sec. . As the pumping power was increased, for δ = −1.0 meV, the transmitted laser power increased linearly up to 15.8 mW, when it abruptly switched to a lower transmission state. The switching is related to the transition of the system from the strong coupling to the weak coupling regime (Sec. ). With a further increase in the incident laser power, the transmitted light intensity slowly decreased. However, when the incident laser power was decreased, the system remained in a lower transmission state until 13.6 mW, completing the clockwise hysteresis loop. As the energy of the incident laser was tuned further down below the lower polariton mode [δ = −2.1 meV, (2)], the bistability range broadened and shifted to higher input powers.To better understand the observed phenomenon, the laser energy was adjusted to the minimum energy of the lower polariton mode, which corresponds to the appearance of the inverted hysteresis. The measured input–output characteristics in Fig. 4(a) show the switching between the strong and weak coupling at 18 mW, accompanied by a sudden drop in the transmitted light intensity. The experimental setup was then modified to allow for angle-resolved measurements by Fourier space imaging of the light emitted from the microcavity (for details, see the supplementary material). The weak luminescence from the microcavity was directed to the slit of the spectrometer, and the high intensity of transmitted laser light was cut out with a bandpass filter.The acquired polariton dispersion relations at different excitation powers are presented in Figs. 4(b)–4(d). In Fig. 4(b), which shows the dispersion relation for 6.79 mW input power, two modes of upper and lower polaritons are clearly visible. A Rabi splitting of 7 meV was obtained from the coupled oscillator model [see Eq. (A.1) in the Appendix] fitted to the measured angle-resolved spectra. The corresponding modes of the upper and lower polaritons are marked with the red lines, while the corresponding bare cavity photon and exciton energies are depicted with the black dashed lines. Similarly, in Fig. 4(c), which corresponds to the power just before the transition to the lower transmission state, both polariton modes can be seen. The coupling strength decreased to 3 meV, but the system remains in the strong coupling regime. In Fig. 4(d), for a power just above the transition (20.21 mW), only a single mode with a parabolic dispersion is visible. The system transitioned from the strong to weak coupling regime as the light–matter coupling strength decreased below the linewidth of polariton modes.To summarize the experimental results, the investigated exfoliated optical microcavity based on CdTe demonstrated a new type of optical bistability, where the energy of the incident laser was set below the minimum energy of the lower polariton mode. The intensity of the transmitted light formed a hysteresis loop with a clockwise direction. A decrease in the Rabi splitting in the cavity was observed when increasing the pumping power. The switching between the two bistable states was accompanied by the transition between the strong and weak coupling regimes. In addition, as for high excitation powers, the transmitted power decreased, the system can find application as an optical limiter.
ChooseTop of pageABSTRACTI. INTRODUCTIONII. PREPARATION OF THE SA...III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSIV. THEORYV. SUMMARY <<SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALREFERENCESTo summarize, the quasi-resonant laser transmission was investigated in an exfoliated II–VI semiconductor microcavity. With increasing laser power, the polariton modes exhibited suppression of the exciton–photon coupling strength, as evidenced by the angle-resolved measurements. For varying excitation power, the transmitted light intensity showed a bistable behavior with hysteresis loops. For the incident laser energy above the lower polariton mode, the hysteresis loop resembled the behavior reported in GaAs-based structures, where it originates from the lower polariton energy blueshift due to Kerr-like nonlinearities. Here, the bistability arose from the energy redshift of the upper polariton mode. Most importantly, when the laser energy was set below the lower polariton mode, the system exhibited a different kind of bistable behavior, showing a hysteresis loop with the opposite direction. As a function of increasing pumping power, the transmittance decreased sharply. We suggest that this transmittance blocking phenomenon can be used in an efficient optical limiter.
All the observed properties were taken into account in the theoretical analysis. Starting from the two-component model with the Kerr-like nonlinear term, the well-known hysteresis loop was observed for the system driven with a laser tuned at the energy above the lower polariton mode. However, contrary to the experimental results, hysteresis loops due to both upper and lower polaritons exhibited the same (counterclockwise) direction.
To explain the experimental results, the model was extended to take into account the polariton energy redshift and Rabi energy reduction. The simulated input–output characteristics changed significantly. Depending on the energy of the driving field, the hysteresis loops exhibited clockwise or counterclockwise directions, in full agreement with the experimental observations.
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