Positive surgery works sunny side up

Dear reader,recognise yourself, put your ideas and visions into reality, allow to sense yourself; let your sun shine, let your moon dream, let your stars dance and mingle with the beautiful horizons of your phantasy. There exists no science without phantasy, there exists no process without resistance to the given mind sets, there is no adventure without the need for novelty and actuality (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1figure 1

The image cartoons the idea of the author that phantasy may foster to reach the beauty of life, nature and surgery

Duality takes and gives. Light translates spacetime into our perception. Perception composes an illusion. All may appear different if our optical, acoustic etc. translation was different. Cells are and as a consequence we look for cellular representations of the universe. We think and observe that all is made up via the fusion of tiny, little compounds, entities and state of affairs. As thus we come up with space time quanta and energies, “things” and I and you. I and I may be a different approach, you may give it a try (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2figure 2

The image cartoons the idea of the author that light carries the qualities of space time and thus brings it to the attention of the observer

Welcome to this issue of European Surgery. This issue collects a colourful tissue of themes, topics and theories. May the papers within this issue contribute to improve your professional and scientific wellbeing and resonance of the world. Mirror the minds of pride to ride the tide as wide as you can. Humility roots progression of thought. No case stands alone. Randomised data we are. We simply collect what others have thought to be done. Therefore your river runs dry to show you the ground of the sound. Speech travels over from speakers of joy. Your audience deserves the applause. Slide show inhabitants wave with their hands and bundle the photons of peer viewed existence. Review your history and mind to accept: ancestor reflux minds what you do.

Going in line with the editorials published in the recent issues of European Surgery, we found, that surgery translates images into treatable signs. Furthermore perception happens within a given tune tempered atmosphere. At the very essence this means that any perception develops within the heat of the actual moment and underlies the unconsciousness out of which the ideas evolve and start to walk across your mind. Emotions put them together and teach them to talk. As such evolves the beauty of life and tunes our existence. Science may be the sunny side of the walk (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3figure 3

The image cartoons the idea that science may be the sunny side of the walk, as outlined in the text

Allow the sunny tune of your positive surgery. Motivate yourself to be critical. Do not simply follow group think. Allow yourself to think outside the box. Be innovative. Be luxurious with your ideas. Deliver the rain of ideas. Fill the horizon with fruitful clouds. Let the rainbow talk to the motions of mind. Nourish and drink the rain.

Follow exciting ideas and search for the causes of disease. As a consequence surgery becomes art. Science fuses and orchestrates the beauty of collected data. Be careful when you design your studies. Do never forget to pave the way for a given idea. Any science should start with an idea. Do not simply copy the projects of others. Do not simply paste published ideas. Allow yourself to develop your own concepts. Proof your concepts within prospective randomised trials. Take your time to find the adequate study design (i.e. number of patients, qualities, characteristics). Search for the adequate flow of your conduct of reasoning. Experience innovation. At the end of the day such an approach will help you to adequately address the issues and ideas raised. Going in line with this notion your papers will be valuable contributions and you will definitely be satisfied with what you are doing. As such you will face the beauty of life, nature and harmony (Figs. 1, 2 and 3).

As leader of a team you may motivate young surgeons to find and develop love and affection for multidisciplinary disease management including the fascinating horizons and spectra for diagnosis, treatment and disease prevention. Teach them to do their surgeries with love in their eyes instead of money in their eyes. Motivate them to live humility and thankfulness. Let them abandon hate, greed, envy and war. Foster curiosity and let them search for new horizons, ideas and concepts. Let them get hungry to discover new ways of diagnosis and therapy. Light up their minds for novel adventures. Let them be happy and satisfied with what they are doing, Teach them the beauty of the sunny side of surgery. As such your colleagues may find joy and happiness in their professional life. As a consequence this will definitely foster the requirements for a beautiful private life. Here we understand: life is a beauty, we simply have to allow it to be full of joy, love and happiness. This may be a walk towards the egg of wisdom. Allow joy and positive light.

Finally this is to thank all who contribute to European Surgery. Thanks for reading those lines and sharing the ideas raised within this and recent editorials. May this contribute to optimise your positive tune of atmosphere.

Taken together, this issue of European Surgery proofs that honest straight forward conduct of reasoning allows to foster great science, valuable contributions and amazing developments for the future of our beautiful globe. Do not get behind the positive tune of your music. Take it easy and ride the swing of your ideas. Stay tuned. Have a great, positive day. Shine!

Sincerely, Martin Riegler.

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