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Article / Publication DetailsFirst-Page Preview
Received: July 21, 2022
Accepted: November 21, 2022
Published online: February 01, 2023
Number of Print Pages: 10
Number of Figures: 3
Number of Tables: 7
ISSN: 1015-2008 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0291 (Online)
For additional information: https://www.karger.com/PAT
AbstractIntroduction: The present study aimed to analyze the clinical features and laboratory markers of patients with Delta variant SARS-CoV-2 and explore the role of platelet in predicting the severity of Delta. Methods: This retrospective, observational study was conducted on 863 patients laboratory-confirmed Delta variant SARS-CoV-2. These cases were sub-classified based on disease severity into mild (n = 304), moderate (n = 537), and severe (n = 22). A series of laboratory findings and clinical data were collected and analyzed during hospitalization. Results: Of 863 hospitalized patients with Delta, the median age was 38 years (interquartile range, 30–51 years) and 471 (54.58%) were male. The most common clinical symptoms mainly included cough, fever, pharyngalgia, expectoration, dyspnea, fatigue, and headache, and the commonest comorbidities were hypertension and diabetes. Among the hematological variables, neutrophil count, red blood cell count, and hemoglobin, were found to be statistically significant with regard to subcategories based of disease severity (p < 0.05). Among coagulation parameters, there was a statistically significant difference in D-dimer, fibrinogen, international normalized ratio, and prothrombin time (p < 0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed in platelet markers including platelet count, large platelet count, and plateletcrit (p < 0.05). Additionally, there was strong correlation between platelet and other parameters with disease severity. Logistical regression analysis and ROC curves showed that D-dimer was a single best marker of disease severity (p = 0.005, p < 0.0001); however, platelet (p = 0.009, p = 0.002) and plateletcrit (p = 0.002, p = 0.001) could also predict severe disease. Platelet was identified as an independent risk factor for severe Delta. Conclusion: Low platelet may be a marker of disease severity in Delta variant SARS-CoV-2 and may contribute to determine the severity of patients infected with Delta.
© 2023 S. Karger AG, Basel
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Received: July 21, 2022
Accepted: November 21, 2022
Published online: February 01, 2023
Number of Print Pages: 10
Number of Figures: 3
Number of Tables: 7
ISSN: 1015-2008 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0291 (Online)
For additional information: https://www.karger.com/PAT
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