Correction: Time to revisit the endpoint dilution assay and to replace the TCID<sub>50</sub> as a measure of a virus sample’s infection concentration

There is a semantic error in the description of the ratio of TCID50 to expected infections or SIN in the text, where the ratio is described as being 1 over its correct value.

Throughout the article, the number of infections that 1 TCID50 is expected to cause has been incorrectly reported as either being 1.44 infections in theory or 1.781 infections when estimated via Reed-Muench (RM) or Spearman-Karber (SK) method. It should be the inverse of those quantities such that 1 TCID50 is expected to cause 0.6931 infection in theory or 0.5615 infection when estimated via the RM or SK method.

All occurrences of the numbers -1/ln(50%) = 1.44 and eɣ = 1.781 in the text should be replaced by -ln(50%) = 0.6931 and e-ɣ = 0.5615, respectively. There is a single exception to this on page 6 where the re-computed ratios are correctly expressed as “(RM/1.781)/SIN” and “(SK/1.781)/SIN”.

Additionally, in the Discussion, the statement:

“While, in theory, the intended MOI can be obtained by multiplying the TCID50 by 0.7 (or rather ln(2) = 0.693), one should instead multiply by 0.561 to account for the overestimation of the TCID50 by RM and SK.”

Should read:

“While, in theory, the intended MOI can be obtained by inoculating with 1.44 TCID50 (-1/ln(50%)) to infect one cell, in reality 1.781 TCID50 estimated via the RM or SK method is required to infect one cell, to account for the method’s overestimation of the TCID50.”

This semantic error was confined to the text of the article. None of the analysis, conclusions, publicly available code, or web calculator are affected.

1. Cresta D, Warren DC, Quirouette C, Smith AP, Lane LC, Smith AM, et al. (2021) Time to revisit the endpoint dilution assay and to replace the TCID50 as a measure of a virus sample’s infection concentration. PLoS Comput Biol 17(10): e1009480. pmid:34662338

Citation: Cresta D, Warren DC, Quirouette C, Smith AP, Lane LC, Smith AM, et al. (2023) Correction: Time to revisit the endpoint dilution assay and to replace the TCID50 as a measure of a virus sample’s infection concentration. PLoS Comput Biol 19(1): e1010877.

Published: January 31, 2023

Copyright: © 2023 Cresta et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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