Developmental Neuroscience
Developmental Neurobiology of Brain Tumors: Mini-Review
Deleyrolle L.P. · Sarkisian M.R.Log in to MyKarger to check if you already have access to this content.
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Article / Publication Details AbstractGlioblastoma (GBM), the most common and lethal primary brain tumor in adults, requires multi-treatment intervention which unfortunately barely shifts the needle in overall survival. The treatment options after diagnosis and surgical resection (if possible) include irradiation, temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy, and now Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields). TTFields are electric fields delivered locoregionally to the head/tumor via a wearable medical device (Optune®). Overall, the concomitant treatment of TTFields and TMZ target tumor cells but spare normal cell types in the brain. Here, we examine whether primary cilia, microtubule based ‘antennas’ found on both normal brain cells and GBM cells, play specific roles in sensitizing tumor cells to treatment. We discuss evidence supporting GBM cilia being exploited by tumor cells to promote their growth and treatment resistance. We review how primary cilia on normal brain and GBM cells are affected by GBM treatments as monotherapy or concomitant modalities. We also focus on latest findings indicating a differential regulation of GBM ciliogenesis by TTFields and TMZ. Future studies await arrival of intracranial TTFields models to determine if GBM cilia carry a prognostic capacity.
S. Karger AG, Basel
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