Foveal contour: presence vs. complete absence as a prognostic factor in epiretinal membrane surgery

Voichanski S. · Pikkel J. · Weiss C.S.

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Article / Publication Details Abstract

Introduction: Presence versus complete absence of the foveal contour on optical coherence tomography (OCT) image as predictor of improvement in visual acuity (VA) following epiretinal membrane removal surgery. Methods: A retrospective observational study. Analysis of 100 eyes that underwent vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane, with pre-operative and postoperative VA and OCT. Categorization into four groups based on the pre-operational presence of a foveal contour and an intraocular lens implantation. Results: The most significant improvement in VA was found among eyes lacking a foveal contour. Pseudophakic eyes demonstrated greater improvement than phakic. The smallest improvement was documented in pseudo-phakic eyes with a foveal contour. Phakic eyes that had a foveal contour showed deterioration in VA. Among eyes who lacked foveal contour, the fraction of eyes with improved VA was only slightly larger than among pseudo-phakic eyes during midterm follow up and no difference was observed at long-term follow-up. Among eyes with foveal contour, the fraction with improved VA was significantly larger among pseudo-phakic eyes. This difference became more prominent over long-term follow-up. Regardless of the presence of foveal contour, the fraction of patients whose VA worsened was greater among those with phakic vs. pseudo-phakic eyes, and this difference increased during long-term follow-up. No correlation was found between the central macular thickness and the visual acuity. Conclusion: Complete lack of foveal contour is positively correlated with greater improvement in postoperative VA. The presence of an intraocular lens contributes to improvement in visual acuity, especially among patients with foveal contour.

S. Karger AG, Basel

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