Developmental Neuroscience
Simões H.D.O. · Massuda E.T. · Furtado E.F. · Zanchetta S.Log in to MyKarger to check if you already have access to this content.
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Article / Publication Details AbstractInvestigate three aspects of auditory function (auditory acuity, cochlear dysfunction, and auditory processing) in adolescents with fetal alcohol exposure without phenotypic changes. Fifty-one adolescents with and without intrauterine exposure to alcohol were selected from a cohort study. The summons, evaluation, and analysis of the results were carried out blindly regarding the respective exposure to alcohol. The auditory tests were pure-tone audiometry, transient otoacoustic emissions, and behavioral assessment of auditory processing (speech-in-noise, dichotic digits, and gap-in-noise). After testing 45 adolescents were included in the evaluation and were divided into exposed (n=22) and non-exposed (n=23) groups. Hearing loss was identified in one subject in the exposed group (4.5%). In the absence of hearing loss, there were no significant differences in tonal thresholds or in the magnitudes of the sensory (cochlear) responses between groups (p>0.05). There was also no difference between the two groups regarding performance on the processing tests (speech-in-noise [p=0.71], dichotic [p=0.94], and gap-in-noise [p=0.33]. However, the exposed group had more cases of hearing disorders (hearing loss plus auditory processing disorders) than the non-exposed group (22.7% vs. 4.3%).
S. Karger AG, Basel
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