The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board Committee of King Saud University Medical City (protocol code E-21-5892 and 27 April 2021).
2.2. Participants in NTS AssessmentParticipants were women Pharm D students in their final year of the Pharm D program registered in the patient safety course in 2020, which is a required course in the PharmD program.
2.3. Phase I—Simulation Activity Preparation and Operationalization 2.3.1. Personnel InvolvedA working group was established comprising two faculty members and three interning Pharm D students. The group was responsible for preparing the case, the equipment, and the simulated inpatient room, in addition to overseeing the organized activity and conducting the NTS evaluation.
2.3.2. Simulation and Equipment The working group prepared the simulation case scenario based on the International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) and the WHO patient safety curriculum taught to students during the course [17,19]. The setting was designed based on Farnan et al. [18]. The students were required to draw upon their background knowledge and common sense to conduct observations of the five principles of medication prescription/dispensation, namely selecting the appropriate antibiotics based on patient diagnoses, implementing basic infection control measures, accounting for allergies and drug–food interactions, identifying patients with a high risk of falling, and ensuring proper medication storage. The case was designed and piloted on two students. Five patient safety issues and 23 errors were present in the activity setting (see Appendix 1 for details on included errors) [19]. 2.3.3. The ActivityAfter completing 6 weeks of didactic lectures, the students were assigned to groups of three, and each group was assigned a number between 1 and 26. All students provided their grade point average (GPA), which in King Saud University the GPA is out of 5. Prior to entering the patient room, students received a brief introduction to the activity and a clipboard with a list. Each group spent 5 min in the patient room. They inspected the patient's file and the settings in the room to identify factors that could lead to harm to the patient. They also identified and recorded errors. A faculty member and an intern were present in each room. At the end of each 5-min session, each student group turned in their clipboard, and the intern assisted the faculty member with re-arranging and re-organizing. The activity carried a weight of 2% of the total course grade 2 out of 100.
2.4. Phase II—Post-Activity NTS Assessment 2.4.1. Assessment Tools and Measurements to Detect NTSAfter completing the activity, the student’s grasp of system thinking was captured using the system thinking score (STS) [20]. The STS is a 20-item user-friendly instrument that has been proven to be valid and reliable. The STS measures the system thinking construct of system interdependencies in the context of quality improvement. It uses a 5-point Likert scale, where 0 = Never, 1 = Seldom, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, and 4 = Most of the time. The total score is computed by summing the responses for each item. Scores can range from 0 to 80. Applying the STS is a viable option for assessing system thinking in both clinical and educational settings. Permission to use the STS was obtained from its primary author. The number of errors identified and each student’s STS score were recorded. 2.4.2. AnalysisData were coded and input to Microsoft Excel and the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27 (Armonk, USA). The mean and standard deviation for the continuous variables and the number or percent of the categorical variables were reported whenever appropriate. The relationships between GPA and STS and between the number of errors identified and STS were explored using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. p-values less than 0.05 were considered significant.
3. ResultsA total of 76 students in 26 groups performed the activity, and 66 students completed the STS, response rate of 87%. The students had a mean (SD) GPA of 4.72 (0.22). In their groups, they found a mean (SD) of 8 errors. Additionally, the mean (SD) total STS was 62.8 (8.4). The most common types of errors identified were medication-related issues (n = 66, 100%), followed by errors related to hospital-acquired infections (n = 60, 91%) and nothing by mouth (n = 60, 91%), errors related to fall risk (n = 33, 50%), and finally, deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis (n = 22, 33%). No association between error type and STS or number of errors identified was found.
Regarding the following system thinking statements, most students responded “agree” or “most of the time” (percentage of total respondents indicated in parentheses):
“I think small changes can produce important results” (95%), Figure 1A; “I consider that the same action can have different effects over time depending on the state of the system” (89%), Figure 1A; “I consider how multiple changes affect each other” (88%), Figure 1A; “I consider the cause and effect that is occurring in a situation” (85%), Figure 1A; “I think about how different employees might be affected by the improvement” (85%), Figure 1A; “I think understanding how the chain of events occur is crucial” (82%), Figure 1A; “I think of the problem at hand as a series of connected issues” (80%), Figure 1A; “I consider the relationship among co-workers in the work unit” (80%), Figure 1A; “I keep in mind that proposed changes can affect the whole system” (75%), Figure 1B. The data for system thinking statements and students’ degree of agreement with each statement are available in Figure 1A,B.A radar chart was used to show the system thinking items that were the most apparent in the horror room setting. The following statements had the most agreement: “I think understanding how the chain of events occur is crucial”, “I think small changes can produce important results”, and “I consider how multiple changes affect each other”. The statements with the least agreement were “I think recurring patterns are more important than any one specific event” and “I think more than one or two people are needed to achieve success”. The radar chart of system thinking items is displayed in Figure 2A,B. Regarding the relationship between the number of errors identified and STS, no association was found (Spearman’s correlation coefficient = 0.01, p = 0.928; Figure 3). However, an association was found between GPA and STS (Spearman’s correlation coefficient = 0.27, p = 0.03; Figure 4). 4. DiscussionThis work clearly demonstrates that the students were aware of the basic concepts of system thinking, as evidenced by their strong agreement with related statements. This study also reveals areas that need improvement, as the radar chart shows. Moreover, the study indicates that although the students were theoretically aware of system thinking concepts, they did not always reflect this knowledge in practice, as most students identified less than 50% of the errors present in the “horror room” setting.
The College of Pharmacy students who participated in this study had a higher-than-average system thinking score [10]. This could be related to the didactic course they took, which included a 2-h lecture dedicated to system thinking. The students’ high scores suggest that didactic teaching is an effective methodology to teach system thinking. However, their practical application of system thinking knowledge and related concepts needs to be evaluated. The “horror room” setting can be utilized to teach root cause analysis and communicate the need for a culture of change as essential aspects of patient safety [18]. This recommendation is based on the students’ high agreement with related statements such as “I consider the cause and effect that is occurring in a situation”, and “I think understanding how the chain of events occur is crucial”, which represent essential determinants in root cause analysis. The relationship between system thinking and root cause analysis is known in digitalization [21]; however, this has rarely been explored in healthcare.No studies have linked system thinking to GPA. The students with the highest degree of agreement with some of the STS statements were those with a higher GPA, suggesting that GPA could be a marker of system thinking. The “horror room” setting is a valid tool that could help nurture system thinking based on the link with a higher GPA, and it should be used to enhance practical applications of system thinking, which the students in this research lacked.
However, understanding system thinking concepts is insufficient to identify errors and solve problems within a team, as was evident in the activity, where students showed high STS but only identified 50% of the errors the activity design incorporated. Students showed positive responses regarding knowing the concept of system thinking. However, during the activity this knowledge was not translated into skills to identify the errors. This was evident by the fact that only 50% of the designed errors were identified by the students. Students need to practice and apply system thinking concepts in a simulated environment and learn how to think systematically by identifying the root of problems and proceeding with a systematic approach in the context of practice in different scenarios. Although the activity presented in this research is promising in terms of assessing system thinking, it needs to be applied on a larger scale involving an inter-professional team.
The practical implications of this research are tremendous. During write up, the lack of evidence on system thinking and “horror room” settings were barriers. No studies have explored system thinking from this perspective, so no comparison is available for elaboration. “Horror room” simulation settings can constitute a method for teaching and assessing students on various important concepts in healthcare education such as system thinking, teamwork, patient safety, and inter-professional education [14,18].Given the educational benefit, combining practice using simulation and didactic lecturing could be the best method to produce competent healthcare professionals.This study’s limitations include the use of a single site involving only women students, its cross-sectional design, and the small number of participants, which could impact generalizability.
This study has multiple strong points. To date, it is the first study to use the novel “horror room” setting to assess system thinking. Additionally, all extant studies examining system thinking have been in nursing, and the present study is the first in pharmacy.
5. ConclusionsIn conclusions, system thinking was found to be related to GPA but not to the number of errors students detected. This needs to be investigated further in larger multidisciplinary settings. The “horror room” is a feasible and reliable setting to teach and assess system thinking.
Supplementary MaterialsAuthor ContributionsConceptualization, L.A.A. and L.A.; methodology, L.A.A., H.M.A. and L.A.; software, L.A.A., H.M.A. and L.A.; formal analysis, L.A.A., H.M.A. and L.A.; data curation, H.M.A. and L.A.; writing—original draft, L.A.A., H.M.A. and L.A.; writing—review & editing, L.A.A., H.M.A. and L.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
FundingThis research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board StatementEthical approval was obtained from the King Saud University Institutional Review Board (No. E-21-5892), and all students provided written consent to participate.
Data Availability StatementData is contained within the article and supplementary material. The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank Almaha Alfakhri, Hala H. Alrasheed, and Zakiyah Alkherb for their valuable contributions in data collection.
Conflicts of InterestThe authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Figure 1. Students’ level of agreement with system thinking survey items. (A), Part 1. (B), Part 2.
Figure 2. A graphical representation of the system thinking survey items with the most and least influential questions. (A), Part 1. (B), Part 2.
Figure 2. A graphical representation of the system thinking survey items with the most and least influential questions. (A), Part 1. (B), Part 2.
Figure 3. Correlation between the number of errors students detected and their system thinking score with correlation coefficient and p-value.
Figure 3. Correlation between the number of errors students detected and their system thinking score with correlation coefficient and p-value.
Figure 4. Correlation between GPA and system thinking score with correlation coefficient and p-value. Note. p-values < 0.05 were considered significant. * Spearman’s correlation coefficient = 0.27, p = 0.03.
Figure 4. Correlation between GPA and system thinking score with correlation coefficient and p-value. Note. p-values < 0.05 were considered significant. * Spearman’s correlation coefficient = 0.27, p = 0.03.
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