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We conducted a literature search for studies reporting the use of non-polymer amphilimus drug eluting stents for infrapopliteal arterial disease in patients with CLI. The key words used in literature search were: Critical limb ischemia; Below the knee; Drug eluting stents; Cre8; Polymer free; Endovascular. We searched electronic databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, and Cochrane) for relevant studies published up to 30 September 2022. Moreover, we searched World Health Organization, European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials Database, and websites and scientific programmes of recent vascular and interventional radiology conferences for relevant studies.
Initial search of electronic databases, organization websites and registers by using the key words identified 343 articles. After excluding duplicates and irrelevant records by reading the title and the abstract we retrieved 216 relevant articles. From these articles, 38 studies mentioned the use of non-polymer drug eluting stents. Further, 35 studies were rejected because did not mention the use of the stents in CLI patients. The remaining three studies were included in our review (Figure 4). The first study (S1) was retrieved from PubMed electronic database: Tigkiropoulos et al. in their prospective single-center cohort study present the use of Cre8 stent in 27 patients with infrapopliteal arterial disease comparing it with a control group of 27 patients subjected to angioplasty with paclitaxel-coated balloons [33]. The second study (S2) was retrieved from Google Scholar electronic database: Santos et al. in their prospective study present the use of Cre8 stent in 10 patients with infrapopliteal arterial disease [34]. The third study (S3) was retrieved from LINC2022 conference: Sirvent presents on his oral presentation the use of Cre8 in 42 patients with infrapopliteal arterial disease [35]. Kaplan–Meier curve diagrams provided in S3 were used to extract numerical data about primary and secondary patency, limb salvage, freedom from clinically driven target lesion revascularization (CD-TLR), and mortality at 12 and 24 months. Main outcomes analyzed in our present review were: Primary and secondary patency, major amputation rate, freedom from CD-TLR and mortality reported in three above mentioned studies. Any other additional information would be provided by contact with the corresponding authors.Totally 79 patients were included in all studies (72.2% were male, mean age 74 ± 3.8 years). Most of the patients (n = 65) were Rutherford class 5–6 (82.3%), diabetes mellitus (DM) was present in 66 patients (83.5%) and hypertension in 72 patients (91.1%). Baseline patient characteristics of all studies are presented in Table 2. One-hundred seven target lesions were treated with Cre8 stent (77.2% of patients received one stent, 19% two stents and 3.8% three to four stents). Occlusive infrapopliteal target lesion was present in 55% of patients in S1 and 52.4% in S3. S2 did not report the proportion of occlusive disease. The most common artery treated was tibioperoneal trunk. Mean stented length was 20 mm (15–40 mm) in S1 and 35 mm (30–60 mm) in S3 (not reported in S2). Mean primary patency of all three studies was 82.5% at 12 months. Primary patency of S1, S2, and S3 studies was 81%, 80%, and 83.8% respectively. S3 reported primary patency 83.8% at 24 months. Secondary patency was 96% at 12 months in S1 and 97.5% in S3 at 12 and 24 months. Secondary patency was not reported in S2. Mean limb salvage of all three studies was 91.3% at 12 months. S1, S2 and S3 studies have limb salvage rate 85%, 90% and 95.6% at respectively. S3 reported limb salvage 95.6% at 24 months. Freedom from CD-TLR in S1 and S3 was 96% at 12 months and 83.8% at 24 months respectively. S2 did not report respective findings regarding CD-TLR. Mortality was 15% in S1 study and 23.8% in S3 study [33,35], whilst mortality rate was not reported in S2. Table 3 summarizes the results of all included studies. 5. DiscussionThis paper was performed to provide an overview of the novel polymer free amphilimus drug eluting stents Cre8 (Alvimedica, Instabul, Turkey) describing its special characteristics, the mechanism of action as well as its early clinical results in patients with CLI. In the therapeutic field of coronary artery disease, the role of amphilimus formulation as an antirestenotic agent has been well established in RCTs and large prospective studies [36,37,38,39]. In contrast, for peripheral arterial disease, the clinical data are scarce with three available studies evaluating safety and efficacy of the device since Cre8 DES has recently been introduced for BTK atherosclerotic disease [33,34,35]. All studies showed acceptable rates of primary patency, limb salvage, and CD-TLR at 12 and 24 months. To the best of our knowledge, these are the only studies available in the literature reporting the use of non-polymer amphilimus drug eluting stents in CLI patients. It should be mentioned that these studies have important limitations. They lack randomization, and they are single center studies with a small number of patients. An additional limitation is Sirvent’s report of possible conflicts of interest on his study presentation regarding Alvimedica company.Cre8 DES has unique characteristics. The polymer free nature of the scaffold, the thin stent struts, and the presence of BIS may induce early endothelization of the arterial wall and may inhibit early in stent thrombosis. The Demonstrate study was a multicenter, randomized parallel group study, with a small number of patients, where Cre8 was compared Vision/Multilink8 BMS [40]. The primary endpoint was the ratio of uncovered to total stent struts per cross section (RUTTS) score of p = 0.145) in the two study groups, while both neointimal percentage area (8.46 ± 5.29 vs. 19.84 ± 15.93, ppThe presence of long chain fatty acids as an amphilimus carrier is considered an important advantage of Cre8, especially in diabetic patients. It permits enhanced delivery, homogeneous distribution, and drug uptake in diabetic cells in contrast to other polymer DES. The vast majority of CLI patients are diabetics and Cre8 could gain ground for clinical use in the setting of diabetes in peripheral arterial disease. The first study that evaluated the efficacy of amphilimus against everolimus eluting stents in patients with CAD and diabetes was the Reservoir trial [38]. It was a multicenter, randomized, noninferiority trial where the primary endpoint was the neointimal volume obstruction assessed by optical coherence tomography at nine-month follow-up. The volume obstruction was 11.97 ± 5.94% for amphilimus versus 16.11 ± 18.18% for everolimus, meeting the noninferiority criteria (p = 0.0003). Authors concluded that Cre8 could provide an important advantage in diabetic patients undergoing percutaneous coronary angioplasty. SUGAR trial was a randomized non-inferiority study that evaluated the efficacy of amphilimus DES against zotarolimus eluting stents in patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease [41]. The main endpoint was target lesion failure, defined as a composite of cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction, and CD-TLR at one year. One hundred six events occurred, 42 (7.2%) in the amphilimus group and 64 (10.9%) in the zotarolimus group (hazard ratio (HR): 0.65, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.44–0.96; P non-inferiority A potential relationship of the anti-proliferative drug eluting technology with mortality and major limb amputation was suggested in patients with PAD causing special concerns regarding their application. The overall safety and efficacy of the paclitaxel coated balloon angioplasty of infrapopliteal arteries was evaluated in a systematic review and meta-analysis of all the currently available industry randomized trials, by Katsanos et al. [42]. Patients with paclitaxel-based therapies have higher risk of death or major amputation compared to patients who underwent plain balloon angioplasty (13.7% vs. 9.4%, hazard ratio 1.52; 95% confidence interval: 1.12–2.07, p = 0.008). The current data regarding the safety and relationship of -limus eluting technology with mortality and major amputation are still scarce and under investigation due to the fact that results are limited because of small, non-randomized studies.The efficacy of other -limus (sirolimus, everolimus) eluting stents for the treatment of infrapopliteal arterial disease has been analyzed in systematic reviews, prospective and retrospective cohort studies [43,44,45,46,47]. In a meta-analysis by Fong [43], individual patient data meta-analysis of 282 patients who underwent infrapopliteal stenting with sirolimus eluting stents yielded primary patency rates of 95.2% and 82.8% at 6 and 12 months respectively, whereas pooled six-month primary patency (339 patients) was 87.3%. A prospective study by Giaquinta et al. evaluated the efficacy of polymer coated everolimus eluting stents (Xience Prime) in CLI patients [44]. The study included 122 patients, and 52.5% were diabetics, with mean lesion length 52.7 mm. The primary patency rate was 88.9% at 1-year. The survival, amputation-free survival, and freedom from TLR rates were 88.1%, 93%, and 91.5% at 1 year respectively. A retrospective real-world study by Aburahma et al. investigated the efficacy everolimus eluting stents (Xience; Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, Calif). The results were not satisfactory and were inferior to previously reported outcomes with primary patency reaching 57% at one year [45]. The PREVENT study was a prospective, multicenter, non-randomized study that evaluated the everolimus eluting stent “Promus Element and Promus Element Plus stents” (Boston Scientific, Marlborough, MA, USA) [46]. Primary patency was 86.2% and freedom from TLR was 93% at 1 year. Table 4 summarizes the main outcomes of everolimus DES studies in CLI patients. Amphilimus DES studies have similar results rearding primary patency and CD-TLR at one year with most everolimus DES studies. Further studies should be conducted to evaluate efficacy between different -limus DES, especially in diabetic CLI patients.
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