This gap in the existing literature inspired the topic of this study. The readers of this study will be introduced to the idea of emotional intelligence (EI) in educators, and they will be shown how EI can be integrated into effective teaching as EIC in higher education instructors. This article introduces readers to the concept of emotional intelligence (EI) in academics.
Therefore, the following hypotheses was formed: There is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence training and educators’ performance. There is superior performance when emotional intelligence competencies are incorporated in higher education institutions.
It leads to developing the initial model (shown in Figure 1) that represents the interplay between the various skill sets. A model depicting the connection between EI and pedagogical abilities has been developed based on the extensive literature review described above. 3. Research MethodTo gain a deeper understanding and a holistic picture of the social world, a quantitative approach was utilized in this study to determine the impact of EI in higher education sector in the UAE. Furthermore, this quantitative research produces factual data that can be clearly explained through statistics [56].A literature review uncovered the EIC, and a theoretical model was developed. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to analyze the data and verify the model. Numerous procedures have been described in this section. The EIC for this study was adapted from the EQ test developed by [57] and administered to the respondents in the ways detailed below. We zeroed in on this test because it applies to the UAE setting and has been tried and tested in the education sector. Individuals are evaluated based on their emotional Intelligence (EI), as defined by [58], which is the capacity to appropriately and successfully respond to various emotional signals arising from one’s internal experiences and those in one’s immediate environment. Sub-indicators for emotional sensitivity, emotional maturity, and emotional competency are included in the assessment. In addition, it specifies the various dimensions and outward signs of conduct that can be utilized to foretell an individual’s EI. Emotional intelligence and emotional competency are two distinct but interconnected abilities. In this study, we refer to the competencies found in an EQ test’s maturity and sensitivity sections as EIC.The EQ test, on the other hand, says that “emotional competency” is a small set of skills that can be measured by actions [33]. Information was gathered using a standardized version of Reuven Bar’s emotional intelligence measure. Users can learn more about their emotional and social capabilities using the emotional intelligence scale. After taking EQ, one can look at a report that breaks down their results by skill area [40]. The following emotional intelligence scale was chosen because of its widespread use as a diagnostic tool.Other crucial aspects of EI, such as emotional awareness, self-control, and practical application, are also evaluated. In its research methodology, this work takes a reductionist stance. Ref. [59] explains that the deductive method entails developing a theory-based hypothesis (or hypotheses) and then designing an empirical investigation plan to test the hypothesis. One way to account for deductive thinking is through speculation, which can be derived from the theory’s premises. The deductive method aims to conclude from premises or propositions that have already been given. Ref. [12] claims that deductive reasoning has the potential to explain causal linkages between concepts and variables, the potential to quantify concepts quantitatively, and the potential to expand research results to some extent. In the publication, the authors provide two testable hypotheses. Data from the respondents have provided empirical validation of the model. Three hundred and sixty-six professors from twenty-five universities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were contacted electronically (five public and twenty private). As a result, 312 responses were collected. Table 2 shows our variable description. The questionnaire contained a section on self-evaluation and a sub-section on emotional quotient. Respondent educators come from all levels of academia and range in age from 25 to over 70. A modified version of Costa and Faria’s Emotional Quotient Test (EQ) was administered to the teachers in this study (2015). As for the evaluation’s quality, it scores 0.88 on validity, 0.93 on test–retest reliability, and 0.88 on split-half reliability. In addition to the EQ test, educators were asked to rate themselves on various other indicators, such as classroom impact, administrative duties, scholarly output, and student evaluations. A Likert scale from 1 to 5 was employed for this method of self-evaluation, with one being the lowest and five the highest. Using a statistical technique called structural equation modelling (SEM), researchers can check for connections between observable and unobservable (construct or latent) variables. As with multiple regression equations, it examines the structure of relationships expressed in a series of equations to shed light on the interplay of multiple factors. Multiple regression and factor analysis form its analytical backbone. Three primary features define SEM. To begin, there is the task of determining intricately intertwined dependencies. Second, having the capacity to represent ideas that are not immediately apparent in these exchanges. The third step is constructing a model that accounts for all the interconnections. Smart PLS software was used to analyze the data via the partial least squares (PLS) method of SEM for path modeling. When only a small amount of information about the latent variables is known, the variance-based PLS method is preferred over the covariance-based SEM method for assessing descriptive and predictive correlations [60,61,62].Additionally, PLS-SEM is favoured when theory creation is the primary focus of an exploratory study [62]. Since this research proposes a new theory about teacher abilities, it is appropriate to employ the PLS method. Sample sizes in the inner route model should be at least ten times larger than the most significant number of structural routes leading to a given construct. Standard SEM models consist of two models [14,62]. The first model, known as the measurement model, illustrates the combination of measured variables that yields a construct, while the second model, known as the structural model, demonstrates the interrelationships among constructs. As the measurement model is developed, it must account for the construct’s observable components. The EQ assessment reveals a three-dimensional structure for the EIC’s constituent variables. Emotional intelligence can be broken down into three categories: maturity, stability, and skill [31]. We retrieved the observable components of knowledge, skill, attitude, and performance from the study by [55], who classified the essential competencies for effective teaching as knowledge, skill, and attitude. Content knowledge (CK), practical knowledge (PK), and a dedication to lifelong learning can all be used to gauge a student’s development as they work toward their goals (CL). The ability to analyze and instruct (AIS), communicate (CS), manage a classroom (CM), plan and organize (POS), and network (NS) are all quantifiable skills. Attitude can be measured in several ways, including open and adaptive attitude (OAA), open and optimistic attitude (EOA), and positive attitude (PS) (OA). Performance is evaluated along four dimensions: self-efficacy (SE), administrative duties (ADM), student feedback (SF), and innovation (R&D). As indicated before, the structural model is the first proposed model depicting the connection between EIC and knowledge, skills, and attitude (Figure 1). According to the authors, EIC positively impacts a teacher’s fundamental competencies, which leads to higher output. The data was analyzed using the Smart PLS program. 4. Results and DiscussionApproximately 39% of the educators surveyed fell into the 25–30 age range, 13.2% were between the ages of 31–40 and 29.6% were between 41–50 age range, 13.2% were between the ages of 51–60, and 5% were 60 and above. The study included 43% male participants and 57% female participants. Assistant Professor made up the majority of respondents (63%), followed by associate professors (17%), professors (9%), and lecturers (5%). Table 3 provides more details about the demographic characteristics of our sample.Educators’ Emotional Intelligence (EI) was broken down into three categories based on their EQ test scores: emotional receptivity, emotional maturity, and emotional competence. Descriptive statistics indicate that instructors have a very high mean EI of 368/440 based on the results of the EQ test. Scores for sensitivity (92/100), emotional maturity (117/140), and emotional competence (165/200) were all very high (extremely high). The results suggest that most respondents had above-average levels of emotional competence, such as self-control, ego-management, and dealing with emotional upheavals. While sensitive and mature, this seemed lacking in comparison.
Teachers still need to be more student-centered, as maturity includes self-awareness and concern for the growth of others (students). They need to focus more on their students’ growth as whole people and modify their methods of instruction accordingly to meet the needs of pupils with different proficiency levels. Sensitive people have empathy, better relationships with others, and the ability to express their feelings clearly [43].Teachers, then, need to have an excellent emotional meter and be willing to acknowledge students’ feelings and perspectives. Teachers should build rapport with their students so that they feel comfortable coming to them with issues. Instructors should also encourage students to feel and express joy and gratitude. Mature behaviour was also found to be most common in people aged 60 and up, particularly in academics. This is because, as a teacher gains wisdom and experience, he can better evaluate his performance. He may have reached all his career goals, overcome all his obstacles, big and small, and settled into a reasonably solid routine. As the rage of adolescence subsides, he develops a more levelheaded and composed demeanor, making him more malleable and pliable. It also frees his attention to concentrate on his students and contribute to their overall growth [60,63,64].Furthermore, the highest sensitivity score was seen in this age range, suggesting that more seasoned educators have a deeper grasp of their students and are better able to connect with them. This is because they spread joy and encourage students to participate in class discussions. There was a marked improvement in emotional competence across the board, except for the middle-aged. New challenges, responsibilities, and the desire for familiarity are usually to blame.
Nowadays, professionals must consider their students, jobs, and families. Because they are just starting their academic careers, younger age groups and assistant professors tend to have less emotional control because they have not yet learned how to handle their egos and control their feelings. When the data was broken down by gender, it was found that women performed best in sensitivity but worst in incompetence. The results corroborate to previous studies and hypotheses suggesting that females are more sentimental and less pragmatic than males [65,66]. The upshot is that those female educators have a leg up when connecting with and supporting female students. Data were analyzed with Smart PLS software using the partial least squares (PLS) method within SEM for path modeling. To begin with, we have the measurement model, which demonstrates how constructs are generated from measurable variables. The structural model, in contrast, reveals the interconnections between these concepts. Composite reliability (CR) and Cronbach’s alpha for reliability, AVE (average variance extracted), and factor loadings for convergent validity and discriminant validity are all ways to assess the measurement’s (or the outer model’s) fitness [67]. Table 4 displays the results of the estimated CR for the reliability test; all values are above the cutoff of 0.8. (Cheah et al., 2018). See Table 4. Most scales were close to the ideal value of 0.50 when convergent validity was measured using the AVE criterion developed by [68]. Looking at how much weight each variable has in describing the construct is another way to test for convergent validity (Table 5). Every factor loading has a statistically significant value close to or greater than the target value of 0.8. There has been some research on this topic [69,70]. The AVE test and the correlations established by Schoenherr et al. were used to evaluate the AVE’s discriminant validity. The R-squared, path coefficients, f-squared, and Q-square Stone-Geisser tests are all ways to evaluate the validity of an internal or structural model [7,67]. R-squared values are displayed in Table 5. A strong R2 value is 0.65, a moderate value is 0.35, and a weak value is 0.18 [71]. The proper t-statistics were determined with the help of bootstrapping, as well. Once the corresponding T-statistics for these parameters are larger than 1.96 (95% confidence level), we can say that they are statistically significant. Only the emotional intelligence (EI) to performance (performance) and the knowledge (knowledge) to performance (performance) instances had values below 1.96.It is clear from this that neither EI nor knowledge has any bearing on performance. More than possessing extensive knowledge is required for success as a teacher. This supports our original claim that knowledge without practical abilities and mindsets will not make a teacher more effective. The variance inflation factors (VIF) for all the constructs are under the three-point limit recommended by the social science literature, so multicollinearity is not a major problem [72]. The route coefficients determine the impact of one variable on another. The SEM model results for attitude competencies reveal that EI has a substantial but insignificant impact (0.882). Although we discovered no statistically significant link between EI and performance, we did find a total effect (including indirect links) of 0.322. Acquiring new information affects one’s ability to do things (0.923). Attitude-related qualities are the most critical factors in successful performance (0.638). Skills have a modest effect on performance, as indicated by the path coefficient of 0.409. When the role of knowledge in improving performance is isolated, it is found to be relatively minor (0.129). A statistically significant relationship exists between increased knowledge and performance (0.590). This may suggest that all teachers have roughly the same level of knowledge due to the standard requirements for becoming teachers. More effort must be made to ensure that information is transmitted effectively. Knowledge alone does not make a good teacher; successful knowledge transmission demands additional skills and attitudes, which an individual’s EQ strongly influences. Hypothesis 1 of the paper is supported by the data. Performance can be affected by emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is essential, but it needs to boost productivity by itself. Skills and knowledge base influence educators’ emotional intelligence (EI) and motivation to succeed.Culture plays a role in how people internalize and articulate their feelings [73]. Communicating feelings nonverbally is one example of expressive control that one’s cultural background could influence. Educators who spend extended periods working and living abroad often develop a new way of expressing their feelings [74]. To better integrate into their host culture, ex-pat educators’ emotional patterns take on the traits of their local peers rather than those of their home country’s peers. Their cultural backgrounds may shape people’s self-perceptions of their emotional intelligence and outward displays of emotion. Self-reported emotional Intelligence (EI) may, for instance, be influenced by social norms regarding what kinds of emotions are deemed appropriate [59,75]. An extraordinarily expressive and extroverted person would rate themselves lower in expressive control if raised in a culture that valued emotional repression and a calm demeanor. Since their personality traits align so well with display guidelines and cultural norms, extroverted people in a nation that places a premium on emotional expression can consider themselves to have excellent expressive control [76,77,78]. 5. ConclusionsThe research indicates that emotional intelligence (EQ) is connected to almost every aspect of working in the academic field. A successful educator must possess various necessary qualities, including knowledge, skills, and a positive attitude; however, more than these qualities are required to ensure success. Nevertheless, something else still plays a part in determining the level of efficacy with which these abilities are displayed. The sum of all of these factors determines efficacy. The EI competencies help bridge this gap by impacting a teacher’s knowledge, abilities, and perspective, which, in the end, results in an effective educator. The approach provides empirical backing for the idea that EI is critical in education and that educators should have adequate EIC to improve student outcomes. This idea is that EI is critical in education and that educators should have adequate EIC. This notion is that EI is essential in education and that educators should have sufficient access to it. There is an overwhelming majority of academic support for providing teachers with training to assist in the growth of their EI. To put it another way, a teacher with a higher EIC will be more effective at communicating his knowledge, determining the needs of his students, demonstrating love to them, and gaining their trust. Additionally, he or she will be better at gaining the students’ confidence. They can propel their own development to new levels if they work on strengthening their connections with other people. This suggests that he could benefit from EI not only in his interactions with students but also in his growth as a person, and it is not just limited to his interactions with students.
Therefore, educational institutions should invest in training programs that focus on emotional intelligence to cultivate emotionally intelligent educators. This will allow the institutions to serve their students better. Because teachers are a school’s most valuable resource, the administration should make encouraging their ongoing professional development one of their top priorities. This is because teachers are the school’s most valuable resource. EI is not a nice-to-have but rather an essential part of a teacher’s job, so they should give it the same amount of care and attention as they do to their subject matter and instructional methods. Since emotional intelligence is not a nice thing but rather an essential part of a teacher’s job, it is difficult to draw broad conclusions about emotional intelligence from this study due to its limitations, specifically the tiny sample size. Further research must be conducted, with the primary emphasis being on this topic. In addition, the research process is hampered by the deductivist school of philosophical thought. It is necessary that every one of the premises produced by the inductive research be accurate and that the words be specified appropriately for the conclusions reached through the process of deductive reasoning to be valid. When conducting research in the future, it will be necessary to examine several distinct philosophies from various perspectives side by side to reach a consensus regarding the approach that will be most successful.
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