Neck Circumference and Detection of Hemorrhage After Thyroidectomy—Reply

In Reply We thank Drs Yiang and Xu for their interest and commentary on our previously published article.1 We agree that the extent of resection is an important risk factor for postthyroidectomy hemorrhage2 and that additional lymph node dissection, especially in the lateral cervical compartiment, may have an effect on neck circumference measurements. We did not include those cases in our analysis to gain homogeneous data in our study, so our study refers to hemithyroidectomy and thyroidectomy procedures only. Therefore, we already stated in the article that we cannot “assess the diagnostic value for patients with potentially large wound cavities.”1 There are no data available about possible changes in neck circumference in lateral neck circumference measurements, but we encourage our colleagues to add some evidence from their own experience regarding this topic in thyroid cancer surgery. Otherwise, regarding the results of neck circumference measurement we grouped the patients in hemorrhage and no hemorrhage only, which seems to be adequate for the presented data. The presented data about extent of resection are given primarily for the sake of completeness and were used for univariable analysis.

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