Mutagenesis of the Cleavage Site of (Pro)Renin Receptor Abrogates Aldosterone-salt-Induced Hypertension and Renal injury in Mice

Soluble (pro)renin receptor (sPRR), the extracellular domain of (pro)renin receptor (PRR), is primarily generated by site-1 protease (S1P) and furin. It has been reported that sPRR functions as an important regulator of intrarenal renin contributing to angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced hypertension. Relatively, less is known for the function of sPRR in Ang II-independent hypertension such as mineralocorticoid excess. In the present study, we employed a novel mouse model with mutagenesis of the cleavage site in PRR (termed as PRRR279V/L282V or Mutant) to examine the phenotype during aldosterone (Aldo)-salt treatment. The hypertensive response of Mutant mice to Aldo-salt treatment was blunted in parallel with attenuated response of plasma volume expansion, sodium-water retention and renal medullary α-epithelial sodium channel (α-ENaC) expression. Moreover, Aldo-salt-induced hypertrophy in the heart and kidney as well as proteinuria were improved, accompanied with blunted polydipsia and polyuria. Together, these results represent strong evidence favoring endogenous sPRR as a mediator of Aldo-salt-induced hypertension and renal injury.

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