Key factors for successful uptake of biosimilars: Europe and the US

Introduction: Biosimilars were first introduced in Europe in 2006 and then in the US in 2015. An online webinar on the successful uptake in Europe and the US was held to discuss measures taken for improving biosimilar uptake, and trends in uptake.
Methods: The webinar was held by the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ABSM) in collaboration with the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI) on 29 June 2022. It consisted of a number of expert speaker presentations followed by a Q&A with the panel and the audience also had the opportunity to ask questions online throughout the webinar.
Results: Presentations discussed key elements contributing to the wide uptake of biosimilars in Europe and the US and physicians’ trust in prescribing and switching of biosimilars. Further details of the presentations were discussed during the Q&A and clarifications made via the concurrent online Q&A.
Conclusion: The webinar enabled in-depth discussion of the current status of biosimilar adoption in the EU and Europe. It was highlighted that, although the US adopted biosimilars at a later date, their uptake is starting to rival that of Europe. Aspects of forced switching policies in Canada and Australia were also considered.

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