Association between serum vitamin D deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation

   Table of Contents   LETTER TO EDITOR Year : 2022  |  Volume : 11  |  Issue : 3  |  Page : 285

Association between serum vitamin D deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation

Mahmood Dhahir Al-Mendalawi
Department of Paediatrics, Al-Kindy College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

Date of Submission09-Apr-2022Date of Decision30-Apr-2022Date of Acceptance16-May-2022Date of Web Publication28-Jul-2022

Correspondence Address:
Prof. Mahmood Dhahir Al-Mendalawi
P.O. Box 55302, Baghdad Post Office, Baghdad
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/ijrc.ijrc_79_22

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How to cite this article:
Al-Mendalawi MD. Association between serum vitamin D deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. Indian J Respir Care 2022;11:285
How to cite this URL:
Al-Mendalawi MD. Association between serum vitamin D deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. Indian J Respir Care [serial online] 2022 [cited 2022 Aug 2];11:285. Available from:


In the April–June 2022 issue of the Indian Journal Respiratory Care, Ebrahimzadeh et al.[1] studied, among a cohort of Iranian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the correlation between serum Vitamin D (VD) deficiency and COPD exacerbation. They found that serum VD deficiency was correlated with increased COPD exacerbation and poor clinical outcomes. Accordingly, they recommended that VD supplementation be considered to decrease the risk of COPD exacerbation.[1] I presume that the following limitation could question the study results and recommendation. It is noteworthy that VD deficiency is a noticeable phenomenon in Iran as the available data pointed to the VD deficiency prevalence of 43.3% among adults (39% for males and 44.3% for females).[2] Therefore, I presume that it would be justified for Ebrahimzadeh et al.[1] to carry out a case–control study recruiting the cases group and age- and sex-matched control group to delineate the correlation between serum VD deficiency and COPD exacerbation.

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Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.


  References Top
1.Ebrahimzadeh F, Bahrami M, Rezaeetalab F, Asl FT, Mirvahabi MS, Kafa Z, et al. The association between serum Vitamin D deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. Indian J Respir Care 2022;11:140-4.  Back to cited text no. 1
  [Full text]  2.Ramezani M, Sadeghi M. The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in adults in Kermanshah, Western Iran. Iran J Public Health 2018;47:299-300.  Back to cited text no. 2

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