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Fidler, A., Aničin, A., Didanović, V., Dovšak, T., Gašpirc, B., Grošelj, A., Kansky, A., Koren, M., Krapež, . J., Kuralt, H., Kuralt, M., Lanišnik, B., Mance Kristan, R., Pavčič, J., Prodnik, L., Pukl, P., Ostrc, T., Kuhar, M., Skalerič, E., Šifrer, R., Skopec, V., & Strojan, P. (2022). Recommendations for the dental management of adult patients with head and neck cancer in Slovenia treated with radiation therapy. Onkologija : A Medical-Scientific Journal, 26(1), 28–32.
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