First Online: 01 January 2022
Part of the Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials book series (MHFNN)AbstractA deadly novel coronavirus disease or severe acute respiratory syndrome (COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2) has taken the entire globe in its grip and claimed over more than 0.1 million lives across the globe in barely four months of time. This has attracted researchers, medical practitioners, scientists, biologist’s fraternity, etc. all over the world to join hands in fighting the pandemic. Therefore, a detailed study in the field of coronavirus, especially related to the research status and gaps under a common umbrella, will further help in understanding and improving the current scenario. In the present paper, the scientometric analysis technique was utilized for understanding the recent research activities, scientific trends, and global involvement in the research on coronavirus. Herein, Web of Science database was used for searching the documents. The “articles” in the “English” language were considered in the study. The VoSviewer software was used for carrying out the scientometric analysis. The scanning of the research publication status on a year-on-year basis suggested an increase in the field of research on coronavirus in the recent past. From 2000 till 2020, a total of 9257 number of research articles were published. Among all other countries, USA has the most number of documents published. Analysis of the journals, authors, organizations, funding agencies of the countries and their co-operation network were also analyzed based on citations. Further, co-occurrence analysis of the different keywords suggested that coronavirus related diseases are known to precipitate severe acute respiratory syndrome in the patients. This is also true in the case of COVID-19.
KeywordsScientometric analysis Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic VoSviewer software
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NotesAcknowledgementsAll the authors are thankful for their institutional support.
Competing InterestsThe authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
Author ContributionsAll the authors contributed to data collection, drafting, editing, or revising the article gave final approval of the version to be published and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
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Authors and AffiliationsA. K. SrivastavaSarika VermaEmail authorMedha MiliSamarendra MajiArfat AnisS. A. R. HashmiKunal PalEmail author1.Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (AMPRI)BhopalIndia2.Department of ChemistrySRM Institute of Science and TechnologyKanchipuramIndia3.Department of Chemical EngineeringSABIC Polymer Research Center, King Saud UniversityRiyadhSaudi Arabia4.Department of Biotechnology and Medical EngineeringNational Institute of TechnologyRourkelaIndia
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