Evaluation of Carotid Space Schwannoma Using Ultrasonography


We aimed to evaluate the ultrasonography (US) characteristics of carotid space schwannoma and their role in identifying the nerve of origin.


This prospective study enrolled patients with cervical carotid space schwannoma accessible by US. The US characteristics of vagus nerve schwannomas (VNSs) and sympathetic nerve schwannomas (SNSs) were assessed; a carotid space schwannoma was defined as a VNS if the tumor originated in the mid-vagal region and an SNS if it arose posterior to the intact vagus nerve, displacing the vagus nerve anteriorly.


Twenty patients with carotid space schwannoma were enrolled. The vagus and sympathetic nerves were identified as the nerve of origin in 12 and 8 patients, respectively. VNSs were centered at levels II, III, and IV in 5, 3, and 4 patients, respectively, while SNSs were centered at levels II (7 patients) and IV (1 patient) (P = .105). The maximal diameters were 3.2 and 4.8 cm for VNSs and SNSs, respectively (P = .011). Internal vascularity was absent and low in 9 and 3 VNSs, respectively, and low and intermediate in 4 SNSs each (P = .002). Twelve patients with VNSs underwent active surveillance without immediate surgery; no adverse events occurred during the 55.2-month follow-up period. Eight patients with potential SNSs underwent surgery, confirming the sympathetic nerve as the nerve of origin.


US facilitates identification of the nerve of origin in cervical carotid space schwannoma. VNSs are more frequent in infrahyoid locations and tend to be smaller in size with lower vascularity compared with SNSs on US.

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