Interleukin‐1‐β‐Activated Microvascular Endothelial Cells Promote DC‐SIGN+ Alternative Macrophages Associated with Skin Fibrosis in Systemic Sclerosis


To characterize the role of interleukin (IL)-1β and skin microvascular endothelial cells (MECs) in the generation of alternatively-activated macrophages (AAMs) and explore their fibrotic role during systemic sclerosis (SSc).


Conditioned medium from MECs purified from healthy donors (HD) or SSc patient’s skin were used to generate monocytes-derived macrophages. Flow cytometry, multiplex protein assessment, RT-qPCR and tissue immunofluorescence were used to characterize MEC-induced AAM polarization. Co-culture experiments were conducted to assess the role of MEC-induced AAM on fibroblast activation. AAMs were characterized in skin of healthy donors and SSc patients using multiparametric immunofluorescence and multiplexed measurements of gene expression. A skin AAM-specific score was developed to perform correlations with clinical features.


IL-1β-activated MECs from SSc patients induced monocytes to differentiate into DC-SIGN+ AAMs, which produced high levels of CCL18, CCL2, and CXCL8 but low level of IL-10. DC-SIGN+ AAMs favor pro-inflammatory fibroblasts and were enriched in perivascular regions of highly fibrotic SSc skin. A novel transcriptomic macrophage signature defined from our findings correlated with the extent of skin fibrosis (Spearman r = 0.6; p=0.0018) and was associated with early disease and lung involvement.


Our work sheds new light on the vicious circle implicating IL-1β unabated secretion, microvascular endothelial cells activation and generation of DC-SIGN+ AAM in fibrosis during scleroderma.

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