Photon‐counting CT via interleaved/gapped spectral channels: Feasibility and imaging performance


Compared to energy-integration, photon-counting x-ray detection facilitates the spectral channelization (energy binning) in spectral CT and thus offers the opportunity of implementing data acquisition via sophisticated schemes, e.g., gapping or interleaving in spectral channels. In this article, we report our investigation of the performance of material decomposition based spectral imaging in photon-counting CT implemented in such data acquisition schemes, and their comparison with the benchmark scheme and other schemes without spectral gapping or interleaving.

Materials and Methods

Using a deliberately designed anthropomorphic head phantom that mimics the intracranial soft tissues and bony structures, a simulation study is carried out with the focus on two-material decomposition-based spectral imaging in photon-counting CT, under both ideal and realistic detector spectral responses. The projection data are acquired in four spectral channels, and then are sorted to implement the schemes of gapping ((ch1, ch3); (ch2, ch4); (ch1, ch4)) and interleaving ((ch1, ch3)+(ch2, ch4); (ch1, ch4)+(ch2, ch3); ((ch1+ch3), (ch2+ch4)); ((ch1+ch4), (ch2+ch3))) in spectral channels, in addition to the benchmark scheme ((ch1+ch2), (ch3+ch4)) and other conventional schemes (ch1, ch2), (ch2, ch3) and (ch3, ch4), where ‘ch’ denotes channel, ‘+’ denote addition, and (·,·) the operation of material decomposition and image reconstruction. Using the contrast-to-noise ratio between targeted regions of interest as the figure of merit, we study the performance of spectral imaging (material specific and virtual monochromatic) associated with these spectral channelization schemes.


Under ideal detector spectral response, the scheme (ch1, ch4) outperforms the benchmark scheme ((ch1+ch2), (ch3+ch4)) and others in gapped and/or interleaved spectral channelization in material specific imaging, while the interleaved scheme (ch1, ch4)+(ch2, ch3) performs the best in virtual monochromatic imaging. Notably, only about half x-ray dose is utilized in the scheme (ch1, ch4) for image formation. Under realistic detector spectral response, the difference in imaging performance over all spectral channelization schemes diminishes, along with degradation in each scheme's individual performance. The results suggest that (i) different strategy in spectral channelization may have to be exercised in material specific imaging and virtual monochromatic imaging, respectively, and (ii) the spectral distortion in realistic detector's response due to charge-sharing, Compton scattering and fluorescent escaping should be mitigated as much as possible.


The spectral channelization schemes and associated imaging performance reported herein are novel and thus informative to the community, which may further the understanding of physical fundamentals and design principles for material decomposition based spectral imaging in photon-counting CT and other x-ray related imaging modalities.

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