Table S1 Imaging parameters for 22 recent 2D RT-MRI publications that utilize state-of-the-art methodology, as selected by the authors of this review. Spatial and temporal resolutions are plotted in Fig. 2.
jmri27411-sup-0002-MovieS1.avivideo/avi, 10 MBMovie S1 Real-time cine imaging using tiny-golden angle radial bSSFP sequence at 1.5 T, with 12x undersampling and compressive sensing reconstruction (TE/TR = 1.3/2.7 msec, flip angle = 70°, in-plane resolution = 2.1 mm, 32 msec temporal resolution, 31 fps) [Reproduced from Ref. (91)].
jmri27411-sup-0003-MovieS2.mp4MPEG-4 video, 93 MBMovie S2 Real-time PCMR using perturbed spirals at 1.5 T, with 18x undersampling and compressive sensing reconstruction. Top: Magnitude images, Bottom: Phase images (TE/TR = 1.9/6.7 msec, VENC = 200 cm/s, flip angle = 20°, in-plane resolution = 1.8 mm, 27 msec temporal resolution, 37 fps) [Reproduced from Ref. (94)].
jmri27411-sup-0004-MovieS3.avivideo/avi, 7.2 MBMovie S3 Real-time imaging of the fetal heart (shown by arrow in first column) demonstrating gross fetal movement. Golden-angle radial bSSFP sequence at 1.5 T, with 27x undersampling and compressive sensing reconstruction (TR = 5.0 msec, flip angle = 70°, in-plane resolution = 1.0 mm, 74 msec temporal resolution, 14 fps) [Reproduced from Ref. (95)].
jmri27411-sup-0005-MovieS4.mp4MPEG-4 video, 2.5 MBMovie S4 Real-time device tracing achieved using 3D fast-field echo projection imaging (spatial resolution 0.83 mm, 100 msec temporal resolution, 10 fps). The position and orientation of catheter devices with two embedded microcoils are tracked on a previously acquired 3D volume for an electrophysiology procedure. [Reproduced from Ref. (114)]
jmri27411-sup-0006-MovieS5.mp4MPEG-4 video, 9.6 MBMovie S5 Interactive real-time Cartesian bSSFP imaging used to guide a gadolinium-filled balloon wedge catheter during diagnostic right heart catheterization procedure. Interactive modification of slice planes, number of multiplanar image slices, saturation pulse, and acceleration are demonstrated. bSSFP, TE/TR = 1.44/2.88 msec, flip angle = 40°, in-plane resolution = 1.8 mm x 2.4 mm, GRAPPA rate 2, 200 msec temporal resolution, 5 fps. RV: Right Ventricle, MPA: Main pulmonary artery, RPA: right pulmonary artery. [Reproduced from Ref. (115)]
jmri27411-sup-0007-MovieS6.mp4MPEG-4 video, 9 MBMovie S6 Real-time cardiac MR thermometry used for inline monitoring of heat dose during therapeutic radiofrequency ablation (70 W for 40s), demonstrated in an animal model. Gradient echo EPI, TE/TR = 18–20/110 msec, flip angle = 60°, in-plane resolution = 1.6 mm x 1.6 mm, GRAPPA rate 2, 200 msec temporal resolution, 5 slices/s. [Adapted from Ref. (116)]
jmri27411-sup-0008-MovieS7.mp4MPEG-4 video, 3.7 MBMovie S7 RT-MRI of speech production (fluent speech – rainbow passage) using 13-interleave spiral GRE sequence at 1.5 T (TE/TR = 0.8/6 msec, flip angle = 15°, in-plane resolution = 2.4 mm, 12 msec temporal resolution, 83 fps) [Reproduced from Ref. (11)].
jmri27411-sup-0009-MovieS8.mp4MPEG-4 video, 813.5 KBMovie S8 RT-MRI of sleep apnea events using simultaneous multi-slice radial GRE sequence at 3 T (TE/TR = 3.7/6.5 msec, flip angle = 5°, slice thickness/gap = 7/3 mm, 3 slices, in-plane resolution = 1 mm, 96 msec temporal resolution, 10 fps) [Reproduced from Ref. (37)].
jmri27411-sup-0010-MovieS9.avivideo/avi, 7.6 MBMovie S9 RT-MRI of swallowing imaging of 10 ml pineapple juice using radial FLASH sequence (TE/TR = 1.33/2.10 msec, flip angle = 8°, in-plane resolution = 1.3 mm, 40 msec temporal resolution, 25 fps, 19 spokes) [Reproduced from Ref. (143)].
jmri27411-sup-0011-MovieS10.avivideo/avi, 3 MBMovie S10 Knee RT-MRI highlighting flexion, extension, and the measurement of rectus femoris knee muscle moment arms [Reproduced from Ref. (164)].
jmri27411-sup-0012-MovieS11.mp4MPEG-4 video, 73.8 KBMovie S11 Wrist RT-MRI illustrating a radial-ulnar deviation maneuver, suitable for measuring dynamics of the scapholunate gap [Reproduced from Ref. (165)].
jmri27411-sup-0013-MovieS12.mp4MPEG-4 video, 2 MBMovie S12 Temporomandibular joint RT-MRI illustrating the ability to track condyle movement during voluntary opening of the mouth [Reproduced from Ref. (166)].
jmri27411-sup-0014-MovieS13.mp4MPEG-4 video, 8.7 MBMovie S13 Illustration of ML/AI based low-latency Image reconstruction of cardiovascular imaging; Examples from two prospective patients; (left-to-right) the BH-bSSFP sequence and the RT radial sequence reconstructed with GRASP, the residual U-Net, and gridding. [Adapted from Ref. (93)]
jmri27411-sup-0015-MovieS14.mp4MPEG-4 video, 6.7 MBMovie S14 Illustration of ML/AI based low-latency Spiral off-resonance deblurring of speech imaging; (left-to-right) GT, uncorrected, IR with GT field map, and the CNN. [Adapted from Ref. (78)]
jmri27411-sup-0016-MovieS15.mp4MPEG-4 video, 7.9 MBMovie S15 Real-time bSSFP imaging using a high-performance low field (HPLF) MRI system (prototype 0.55 T Aera, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). (A) Real-time bSSFP for MRI-guided invasive cardiovascular procedures (TE/TR = 2.0/4.0 msec, flip angle = 45°, in-plane resolution = 2 mm, slice thickness = 8 mm, GRAPPA rate 2, 250 msec temporal resolution, 4 fps). (B) Real-time bSSFP for dynamic intestinal imaging (TE/TR = 1.6/3.2 msec, flip angle = 90°, in-plane resolution = 1.2 mm, slice thickness = 10 mm, GRAPPA rate 3, temporal resolution 1.2 sec for 6 slices). (C) Real-time bSSFP for dynamic respiratory imaging (TE/TR = 1.21/2.4 msec, flip angle = 70, in-plane resolution = 1.8 mm, slice-thickness = 15 mm, GRAPPA rate 2, 250 msec temporal resolution, 4 fps). [(A) Based on Ref. (212), (B) and (C) Unpublished Data]
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