Lithium metal anode is highly desirable for high-energy density batteries. The reason is because it has the highest theoretical capacity (3860 mAh g-1), the lowest electrochemical potential (-3.040 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode), and low density (0.534 g cm-3). In particular, the specific energy density of Li metal batteries is expected to reach as high as 1150 Wh kg−1 as a feature of Li-sulfur or Li-oxygen batteries. However, the unavoidable features of lithium dendritic growth and inactive Li are still the main factors that hinder its practical application. Herein, clear insights and perspectives toward practical application of lithium metal batteries for next-generation electric vehicles are provided. More information can be found in the Minireview by Jung Ho Kim, Min-Sik Park, Janghyuk Moon et al.
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