The effect of topography on the distribution of rodent nests in the enclose and non-enclosed of pistachio forest of Khajeh Kalat in northeast of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Remote Sensing in Natural Resources -Amin Police University


The order Rodentia is the largest among other groups of mammals in terms of the number of species and number of individuals and is widely seen in different types of habitats. Various factors affect the spatial distribution of these animals. In this study, according to the same conditions in the two areas in terms of topography, soil, and the vegetation type, the distribution of rodent nests in the enclosed and non-enclosed regions of woody pasture in the pistachio forest pasture of Khajeh Kalat in Khorasan Razavi province of Iran has been studied. For this purpose, sample plots with the variable region that had at least 15 trees were used. Inside of each sample plot and under the crown of any tree, rodent nests were identified and counted. Finally, the data obtained from the total sample plots have been analyzed. The results showed that the number of rodent nests in the two regions was significantly at 99% confidence level related to each other, as well as in elevation, slope and aspect was significantly at 99% confidence. Rodent nest distribution is also related to the soil characteristics of the region, and rodents prefer deeper, more fertile soils with a lighter texture and better drainage so that they can dig in easily and rain does not flood their nests. Slope also has an effective role in runoff, infiltration, flood intensity, erodibility, and sedimentation which are not ineffective in rodent release. The north and south aspect are more suitable for rodents due to their moisture and shading and better soil for nesting, and therefore the number of nests in the north and south aspects is higher than in another aspect. Of course, other factors also affect rodent distribution, including ecological relationships, environmental variables between species, and animals.


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