Abaza, S. (2021). Drug resistance, recent advances in identification of potential drug targets and development of novel drugs in parasitic diseases. I. Drug resistance. Parasitologists United Journal, (), -. doi: 10.21608/puj.2021.103436.1141
Sherif Abaza. "Drug resistance, recent advances in identification of potential drug targets and development of novel drugs in parasitic diseases. I. Drug resistance". Parasitologists United Journal, , , 2021, -. doi: 10.21608/puj.2021.103436.1141
Abaza, S. (2021). 'Drug resistance, recent advances in identification of potential drug targets and development of novel drugs in parasitic diseases. I. Drug resistance', Parasitologists United Journal, (), pp. -. doi: 10.21608/puj.2021.103436.1141
Abaza, S. Drug resistance, recent advances in identification of potential drug targets and development of novel drugs in parasitic diseases. I. Drug resistance. Parasitologists United Journal, 2021; (): -. doi: 10.21608/puj.2021.103436.1141
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 06 December 2021

Document Type: Review Article
DOI: 10.21608/puj.2021.103436.1141
Sherif Abaza 
Parasitology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal Univ.
AbstractTwo important obstacles face programs involved in eradication of tropical diseases; drug resistance and environmental aspects surrounding the infected population including poverty, inefficient healthy sewage system, and popular habits. Treatment failure is determined by either persistence of clinical manifestations after scheduled drug regimen, or occurrence of disease relapse or new infections. This means that treatment failure in clinical trials does not mean drug resistance because identified parasite’ resistance to a certain drug does not include pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics studies as well as host immunological assessment. Coinfections, drug-drug interactions, and environmental factors also contribute in development of drug resistance. Of note, parasite gene mutation is the main mechanism suggested for drug resistance. The present work aims to review commonly reported drugs associated with resistance, and the proposed genetic markers of resistance.
drug resistance;
gene mutation;
genome plasticity, mechanism of resistance;
pharmacogenetics, pharmacokinetics Main Subjects
Molecular Biology
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