Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine 
Vol. 21 
Issue (1): 129-137
DOI: 10.31083/j.rcm.2020.01.5105
Complete Entry and Re-entry Neutralization protocol in endovascular treatment of aortic dissection
Tomasz Jędrzejczak1, Paweł Rynio2, Rabih Samad2, Anita Rybicka3, Agata Krajewska4, Piotr Gutowski2, Arkadiusz Kazimierczak2, *(

1 Cardiac Surgery Department, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Powstancow Wielkopolskich 72, Szczecin 72-111, Poland
2 Department of Vascular Surgery, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Powstancow Wielkopolskich 72, Szczecin 72-111, Poland
3 Department of Nursing, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Zolnierska 48, Szczecin 71-210, Poland
4 Department of Neurology, Pomeranian Medical University, Unii Lubelskiej 1, Szczecin 71-210, Poland
There have been indisputable developments in techniques for stabilizing acute aortic syndromes. However, aneurysmal degeneration following aortic dissection remains a problem to be solved. The currently available treatment options for aortic dissection still fail to take into account the known risk factors for aneurysmal degeneration. This is why we introduced a new approach to treating patients with an aortic dissection, called Complete Entry and Re-entry Neutralization (CERN). This is our initial report on the promising interim results. Material and Methods: 68 patients qualified for endovascular treatment of an acute or chronic aortic dissection. Computed tomography was performed post-operatively to assess aortic remodeling after 1/6/12/24/36 months. Results: the 30-day mortality rate was 4.4%. In 29 cases (43%) unfavorable remodeling was noted in the follow-up. The most important factors leading to unfavorable remodeling were: uncovered re-entry tear including the infra-renal segment, no relining of dissection membranes and insufficient coverage of the descending aorta. We analyzed these factors to develop the CERN protocol. This concept consists of six basic rules: A. cover all entry tears, B. amplify the BMS radial force, C. use the STABILISE technique, D. consider using thrombus plugs, E. avoid stenting the visceral branches, F. spare the intercostal and lumbar side branches. CERN improves the rate of favorable remodeling from 25% to 85% (P = 0.0067). Conclusion: Introduction of the Complete Entry and Re-entry Neutralization protocol improves the rate of favorable remodeling following endovascular treatment of aortic dissection in mid-term follow-up in patients with diffused aortic dissection.
Submitted: 29 December 2019
Accepted: 17 March 2020
Published: 30 March 2020
*Corresponding Author(s):
Arkadiusz Kazimierczak
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Articles by authors
Tomasz Jędrzejczak
Paweł Rynio
Rabih Samad
Anita Rybicka
Agata Krajewska
Piotr Gutowski
Arkadiusz Kazimierczak
Figure 1. Study groups and patient selection. The figure shows the selection of treatment options and their compliance with CERN rules. And as a result, the final qualification of patients to the study and control groups together with the final result of treatment.
Table 1. Risk factors in various surgical interventions non-compliant with the CERN protocol.

Procedures non-compliant with the CERN protocolRisk factorsTEVARPETTICOATSTABILIZEe-PETICOATAEndo-leak type IA0002BBMS inside TEVAR02504CIliac parallel grafts start > 2cm below the RANANA05DTEVAR terminating >10cm above the CT0004EToo little overlap0401FOversizing <5%0601GDistal re-entry tear left uncoveredNA2600HCEFLV > 20 ml02202IInsufficient TL expanding leading to BMS collapseNA700
Table 2. Discriminant analysis for group epidemiology and type of surgery.

Wilks` Lambda testP-valueStanford type of AD0.4834960.505089Stage of AD (acute/chronic)0.4787310.907974Age0.4787890.891480Gender0.4900040.311117e-Petticoat0.5028220.142628
Figure 2. Conditions potentially leading to a technical failure. The figure shows examples of all suspicious technical factors that were observed in cases ending in unfavorable remodeling. All presented factors were then subjected to single and multifactor statistical analysis to determine the need for their elimination during endovascular treatment of aortic dissection. These were the following factors. A: Endo-leak type IA (after Cardiac Surgery in type A aortic dissection); B: BMS inside TEVAR (classic deployment); C: Iliac parallel grafts starting > 2 cm below the Renal Arteries; D: TEVAR terminating 10-15 cm above the Celiac Trunk (the lower part of the BMS unsupported- compressed by the FL); E: Too little overlap between devices; F: Oversizing < 5%; G: Iliac re-entry tear left uncovered (lack of e-Petticoat technique in type IIIB AD); H: Contrast Enhanced False Lumen Volume over 20ml; I: Collapsed BMS due to high pressure in FL and insufficient true lumen re-expansion during surgery
Table 3. Univariate analysis for suspected factors linked to unfavorable remodeling

Suspected technical conditionsnUnfavorable remodelling
(n-29)Favorable remodelling
(n-38)P-valueAEndo-leak type IA (after Cardiac Surgery in TAAD)22 (100%)0 (0%)0.1982BBMS inside TEVAR (classic deployment)2925 (86.2%)4 (13.8%)0.0001CIliac parallel grafts starting > 2 cm below Renal Arteries54 (80%)1 (20%)0.1722DTEVAR terminating > 10 cm over Celiac Trunk (BMS collapse)44 (100%)0 (0%)0.042ETo little overlap between devices53 (60%)2 (40%)0.6498FOversizing < 5%77 (100%)0 (0%)0.0046GDistal re-entry tear in iliac arteries left uncovered2623 (88.5%)3 (11.5%)0.0001HCEFLV > 20 ml2424 (83%)0 (0%)0.00001ICollapsed BMS due to high pressure in FL and insufficient TL re-expansion during surgery75 (71.4%)2 (28.6%)0.2364
Table 4. Discriminant analysis for all suspected risk factors.

Suspected risk factorsWilks` Lambda testP-valueA) Endo-leak type IA0.1704860.056726B) BMS inside TEVAR0.251840
0.000005C) Iliac parallel grafts starting >2 cm below Renal Arteries0.183886
0.008157D) TEVAR terminating >10 cm over Celiac Trunk0.185781
0.006326E) Too little overlap between devices0.1580730.605945F) Oversizing < 5%0.171893
0.045596G) Iliac re-entry tear left uncovered0.192477
0.002654H) CEFLV over 20 ml0.226296
0.000056I) Insufficient true lumen re-expansion during surgery0.1679580,085040
Figure 3. CERN rules. The figure summarizes all six conditions for compliance with CERN principles during endovascular treatment of aortic dissection. For an explanation of their significance, see the discussion chapter. A: Cover all entry tears; B: Oversize and amplify BMS radial force; C: Perform True lumen forced ballooning (STABILISE technique); D: Use a thrombus plug; E: Avoid stenting the visceral branches; F: Spare the small branches; TL: true lumen; FL: false lumen
Figure 4. Examples of favorable remodeling after treatment performed accordingly to the CERN rules (e-Petticoat technique) in type A and B aortic dissection. TAAD - Type A Aortic Dissection; TBAD: Type B Aortic Dissection; A: Initial CTA in TAAD; B: Frame of the Stent-grafts used for e-Petticoat technique (fully comply with CERN rules); C: Favorable remodeling after TAAD (Hybrid arch debranching and e-Petticoat as a Stage procedure); D: Initial CTA in TBAD; E: Frame of the Stent-grafts (e-Petticoat technique performed in compliance with CERN rules); F: Favorable remodeling after TBAD
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