Default Predicted No Effect Target Concentrations for Antibiotics in the Absence of Data for the Protection Against Antibiotic Resistance and Environmental Toxicity

The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, via the AMR Industry Alliance, has developed and implemented steps to help minimize the potential impact of pharmaceutical manufacturing on the spread of AMR. One of these steps was to publish Predicted No-Effect Concentrations (PNECs) to serve as targets for antibiotic manufacturing wastewater effluent risk assessments aimed to help protect environmental receptors and to mitigate against the spread of antibiotic resistance. Concentrations below which adverse effects in the environment are not expected to occur (predicted no effect concentrations, PNECs) were first published in 2018 and are updated annually. The current list now stands at 125 antibiotics; however, it is recognized that this list does not encompass all manufactured antibiotics. Therefore, a statistical evaluation of currently available data was conducted and a default PNEC of 0.05 µg/L for antibiotics in the absence of other data was derived.

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