Weekly pattern of dialysis unit blood pressure is a promising marker for prognosis evaluation in hemodialysis population

Table S1. Baseline characteristics of 129 prevalent hemodialysis patients by different post-SBP change (1st to 3rd) groups

Table S2. Baseline characteristics of 129 prevalent hemodialysis patients by different post-SBP change (1st to 2nd) groups

Table S3. Baseline characteristics of 129 prevalent hemodialysis patients by different post-SBP change (2nd to 3rd) groups

Table S4. Home and dialysis unit BP measurements for post-SBP change (1st to 3rd) tertiles

Table S5. Home and dialysis unit BP measurements for post-SBP change (1st to 2nd) tertiles

Figure S1. Kaplan–Meier survival curve of CV mortality for post-SBP slope tertiles and post-SBP change groups. Post-SBP slope was divided into three tertiles: < −3.125, −3.125 to 0.185 and 0.185. Post-SBP changes were divided into two levels according to their medians (< −3 and  − 3 for post-SBP change (1st to 3rd); < −1.5 and  − 1.5 for post-SBP change (1st to 2nd); < −1.5 and  − 1.5 for post-SBP change (2nd to 3rd)).

Figure S2. Kaplan–Meier survival curve of first CV event for post-SBP slope tertiles and post-SBP change groups. Post-SBP slope was divided into three tertiles: < −3.125, −3.125 to 0.185 and 0.185. Post-SBP changes were divided into two levels according to their medians (< −3 and  − 3 for post-SBP change (1st to 3rd); < −1.5 and  − 1.5 for post-SBP change (1st to 2nd); < −1.5 and  − 1.5 for post-SBP change (2nd to 3rd)).

Figure S3. Home SBP burden in high and low post-SBP change (1st to 3rd) groups (<-3, ≥ − 3) (A) the bold lines indicate the averaged home SBP level and the dash lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals. Day 1, Day3 and Day5 were dialysis days and Day2, Day4, Day6 and Day7 were non-dialysis days, Home SBP difference between high and low post-SBP change (1st to 3rd) groups (<-3, ≥ − 3) (B) the bold line indicates the averaged home SBP difference and the dash lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals. Day 1, Day3 and Day5 were dialysis days and Day2, Day4, Day6 and Day7 were non-dialysis days.

Figure S4. Home SBP burden in high and low post-SBP change (1st to 2nd) groups (<-1.5,≥ − 1.5) (A) the bold lines indicate the averaged home SBP level and the dash lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals. Day 1, Day3 and Day5 were dialysis days and Day2, Day4, Day6 and Day7 were non-dialysis days, Home SBP difference between high and low post-SBP change (1st to 2nd) group s (<-1.5,≥ − 1.5) (B) the bold line indicates the averaged home SBP difference and the dash lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals. Day 1, Day3 and Day5 were dialysis days and Day2, Day4, Day6 and Day7 were non-dialysis days.

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