The remote control of coherence is a crucial step for its application in quantum computation. The maximal steered coherence (MSC) and its conversion to entanglement in multiple bosonic reservoirs are investigated. It is shown that the MSC decays with time in the Markovian regime and behaves as damped oscillations in the non-Markovian regime. The MSC can also be connected directly to the strength of non-Markovianity, through which it is shown that it can be noticeably enhanced by taking full advantage of the non-Markovian effects. Besides, the MSC can be converted completely to entanglement via optimal incoherent operation applied to the steered qubit and an incoherent ancilla which is immune to decoherence, and the generated entanglement is stronger than the shared entanglement in prior. These findings suggest a potential way for remotely generating and manipulating coherence and entanglement in noisy environments.
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