In Ottawa, Canada, we initiated protocols to include non-serologic syphilis testing, as direct fluorescence antibody (DFA) for patients with syphilis symptoms. The purpose was to assess the ability of DFA to detect syphilis during acute infection and to determine if non-serologic testing could yield an increased number of syphilis diagnoses. We reviewed charts of patients of our local sexual health clinic for whom syphilis was suspected. A total of 69 clinical encounters were recorded for 67 unique patients, most of whom were male. The most common symptom was a painless genital lesion. Of the 67 patients, 29 were found to have a new syphilis diagnosis, among whom, 52% had positive syphilis serology and positive DFA, 34% had a positive syphilis serology and negative DFA, and 14% had negative syphilis serology and positive DFA. While DFA testing did not yield an abundance of new cases, it was useful to support findings from syphilis serology or confirm diagnosis where serology was negative. Where available, alternate non-serologic tests, such as nucleic acid amplification tests, should be considered above DFA due to its higher sensitivity for detecting syphilis in primary lesions; however, in clinical situations, when new syphilis infection is suspected, empiric treatment should not be delayed.
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