The obesity epidemic is a significant public policy issue facing the international community. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and cancer among other conditions (Kopelman, 2007), resulting in a considerable loss of wellbeing and an increased burden on the health system (Cawley & Meyerhoefer, 2012). The socioeconomic gradient associated with obesity means that the obesity epidemic has serious implications for widening social inequalities (e.g., McLaren, 2007). Despite considerable research and policy attention, obesity rates continue to rise with no sign of reversing (Ng et al., 2014), suggesting the need for innovative ways to try to counter the epidemic, including how we might increase the implementation of strategies that have evidence of efficacy.
Governments around the world use public policy to influence behavior, and economic incentives play a key role in this endeavor. While there are many ways to classify obesity policies, here we classify policies according to whether their underlying assumptions fit within (1) a standard economics framework or (2) are informed by behavioral economics (which we further classify as (2a) ‘nudge’ and (2b) ‘budge’ type policies–each defined below), in recognition of the importance of behavior, choice, and incentives in this area.
A cornerstone of standard economic theory is the assumption that individuals are rational and make choices that are consistent with their long-term welfare. A standard economics approach seeks to provide the rational decision maker with full information on the consequences of alternative actions, or to change the balance of benefits and costs for the individual and hence shift consumption of a good to a more socially optimal level (to correct for negative externalities and internalities) (Allcott et al., 2019). For example, standard neoclassical economics suggests that one way to change consumption of a good or service is to change its relative price by applying a tax or subsidy, enacted in policies such as taxes on sugar sweetened beverages (World Cancer Research Fund International, 2018), or a ‘fat tax’ (Bødker et al., 2015). Such taxes are argued to correct for negative externalities of obesity, particularly healthcare costs of obesity which are largely borne by public or private health insurance and hence by non-obese members of society (Cawley, 2015). Other examples in obesity policy include food labeling requirements and media campaigns to inform people about nutrition and physical activity.
More recently, other economic theories have called the assumption of rationality into question and proposed alternate explanations of behavior leading to obesity. A divergence between an individual's choices and their welfare may arise due to imperfect information, time-inconsistent preferences, or imperfect rationality (Cawley, 2015), with a posited dual decision model of ‘deliberative’ (rational) and ‘affective’ (susceptible to mistakes) systems contributing to obesity (Ruhm, 2012). Behavioral economics has characterized a number of systematic anomalies in choice behavior including: status quo bias, loss aversion, priming, hyperbolic discounting and anchoring (McDonald, 2005; Thaler & Sunstein, 2008; UK Cabinet Office & Institute for Government, 2010). Harnessing these anomalies, “going with rather than against the grain of how people behave” (UK Cabinet Office & Institute for Government, 2010), it is possible to design policy interventions with the objective of altering the choice environment to facilitate individuals making more socially desirable choices (Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). Behavioral economics posits alternate explanations of the behavior leading to the rise of obesity, and suggests different approaches to prevent and reduce obesity (Oliver, 2011; UK Cabinet Office Behavioral Insights Team, 2010) potentially offering different tools for the policy makers' tool kit.
A behavioral economics approach involves the design of interventions to harness or restrain systematic choice anomalies, to encourage people to make decisions that prevent or reduce obesity. Perhaps the most well-known set of behaviorally informed obesity policies relate to ‘nudge’, but there are other types of obesity policies that are informed by behavioral economic insights. One characterization of these approaches is to separate ‘nudge’ from ‘budge’ (Oliver, 2018). Nudge tries to alter the choice environment to counteract behavioral biases in favor of healthier choices, often focused on the narrow environment immediately surrounding the decision, and avoids restricting the individual's options. By contrast, budge aims to address the ways that industry can seek to promote unhealthy consumption by exploiting behavioral biases. It uses regulatory approaches to address the broader, structural environment or mandates the implementation of behaviorally informed interventions (Smith & Toprakkiran, 2019). Examples of nudge-type policies include: modifying the built environment to encourage physical activity; utilizing pre-commitment strategies to commit to more healthy decisions; using payment mechanisms such as prepaid cards and vouchers to make the purchase of healthy options easier (UK Cabinet Office Behavioral Insights Team, 2010); or capitalizing on present-biased preferences by using financial incentives to provide more immediate rewards for healthy behavior (Marteau et al., 2009). For the individual who discounts future costs of obesity-related health problems, payment to engage in physical activity modifies the present costs and benefits of exercising today rather than putting it off to tomorrow. Budge-type obesity policies include banning junk food advertising to children, regulation to limit junk foods being positioned near supermarket cashiers, or mandating the proportion of healthy and unhealthy foods offered through vending machines. These aim to prevent industry behavior that would exploit behavioral biases of individuals leading to unhealthy consumption.
Adoption of a policy by governments or policymakers depends in part on its social acceptability to taxpayers and voters (Marteau et al., 2011; Marteau et al., 2008). This is particularly relevant given the markedly different mechanisms by which interventions based on behavioral and standard economics seek to influence behavior. For example, when do ‘acceptable nudges’ become ‘unacceptable shoves’ (Marteau et al., 2008)? Measuring social acceptability fits within a general trend toward increasing public involvement in priority setting and accounting for social preferences in public policy. Policy interventions are often publicly funded, suggesting policy makers are required, in part, to consider social preferences in the decisions they take. More generally, policy makers face a difficult challenge of prioritizing the large number of potential interventions to reduce and prevent obesity. Some policies face vocal opposition, for example being labeled by their opponents as part of a ‘nanny state’ (Kersh, 2015). This could reflect widespread social unacceptability of those policies, but could also reflect the views of a vocal minority or the influence of private sector actors (such as the food industry) who seek to protect their business models (Jürkenbeck et al., 2020). Empirical evidence on social preferences for potential interventions will be helpful in informing such prioritization and in understanding the source of objections to policies.
This study addresses the question of the social acceptability of standard and behavioral economic inspired policies designed to reduce and prevent obesity. To do so, we employed a discrete choice experiment (DCE) in which respondents chose between obesity policy investment options, described by: one of eight policies; the policy's effectiveness in terms of impact on future obesity rates; and the associated cost in terms of higher taxes. We investigated three policies informed by standard economics - mass media campaigns, traffic light nutritional labeling, and taxing sugar sweetened beverages - and five behaviorally informed policies - prepaid cards to purchase healthy food, financial incentives to exercise, improved built environment for physical activity, bans on advertising unhealthy food and drink to children, and improved nutritional quality of food sold in public institutions. Using latent class analysis, we found three classes with substantially different preferences for these policies, with membership of the preference classes differing in their likelihood of benefitting from obesity policies. Overall, at realistic levels of tax increases 78% of the sample were predicted to choose a new policy, but this ranged from 19% in those least likely to benefit from obesity interventions to 99% in those most likely to benefit. The most popular policy was inspired by standard economics (traffic light nutritional labeling) followed by behaviorally informed policies involving regulation of providers (junk food advertising bans and improvement of food quality in public institutions), while the least popular were behaviorally informed nudge-type policies targeting individuals (prepaid cards and financial incentives to exercise). This systematic elicitation of social preferences for behaviorally informed and standard economic policies designed to tackle obesity and the implied rank order of those policies add to the evidence base to inform responses to obesity. Our findings may also be useful beyond the scope of obesity policy to the ongoing consideration of the place for behavioral and standard economics to inform public decision making.
There has been some work on public attitudes to obesity policy (e.g., Jürkenbeck et al., 2020; Lund et al., 2011) using non experimental methods. Of the limited experimental literature, Gendall et al. (2015) used a best-worst object scaling task to explore which of 15 policies respondents thought would be most and least effective at reducing obesity (rather than to explore their preferences for the policies). That approach did not allow the policies to be decomposed into attributes and levels (as is standard in a DCE). Understanding which aspects of obesity policies are preferred by the public is key to informing decision-making, as this can facilitate development of policies that are effective and meet with public approval. Other studies have assessed the acceptability of attributes of individual policies but have not compared multiple policies (e.g., to inform implementation of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes - Blake et al., 2019; Cornelsen et al., 2020). Promberger et al. (2012) used a DCE to explore preferences for a controversial policy, that of using financial incentives for weight loss and smoking cessation. They found the acceptability of financial incentives increased with the effectiveness of the rewards, and that incentives in the form of grocery vouchers were more acceptable than cash or luxury rewards. The current study is the first to use a DCE approach to explore social preferences for attributes of a range of policies encompassing those based on insights from both standard and behavioral economics. A DCE is well suited to investigating preferences for potential obesity policy interventions, since it can cover policies that have been enacted and those that have been proposed but not yet enacted. It offers insights not otherwise available since it is not usually feasible to obtain revealed preference data regarding the attributes of such policy interventions as there is no mechanism by which to observe public choices across policies.
The remainder of the paper is organized in four further sections. The next section describes our empirical study, including development of the survey instrument, the design of the DCE and the analytical strategy. Results are presented in Section 3, and discussed in Section 4 along with their policy implications and areas for further research while Section 5 concludes.
2 METHODS 2.1 Discrete choice experimentsDCEs are a stated preference approach regularly used in health economics (Lancsar & Louviere, 2008) and applied economics more broadly (Louviere et al., 2000). A key appeal of such methods is they allow a range of research questions to be addressed, some of which could not otherwise be answered with existing data sources. DCEs involve the generation and analysis of choice data and are usually implemented in surveys. Survey respondents choose between alternatives presented in choice sets–in our study between obesity policy investment options. Each alternative is described by a number of attributes which themselves are described by a range of levels (described below). The choices made are analyzed using discrete choice limited dependent variable models (Lancsar et al., 2017). The estimated choice models reveal respondent preferences regarding the policy investment options and the importance of attributes that describe those options. We harness the resulting model of preferences in post-estimation analysis to predict the uptake of each of the eight policy options (accounting for effectiveness and cost) to explore their social acceptability.
2.2 Generation of the choice context, attributes, and levelsThe general choice context and the attributes and levels of the alternatives between which respondents were asked to choose were generated from a review of the literature, discussion with obesity policy experts, and focus groups with members of the general public. Three focus groups with members of the public (n = 24) helped define the attributes and levels resulting in 3 attributes: policy type; impact on future obesity rates (in 2020); and cost in terms of higher taxes. Initially 12 policies were chosen to cover a range of policy types including: those inspired by behavioral and standard economics; population wide prevention; medical interventions; and those targeted at specific groups such as children, or low-income households. An online best-worst DCE in which respondents chose both the best and worst alternative per choice set was piloted in the Monash Behavioral Laboratory (n = 36) followed by one-to-one interviews with all participants. Respondents were members of the general public, not students. Key changes following the pilot were the reduction of the number of policy levels from 12 to 8, to: reduce cognitive burden; focus on those policies considered most salient; providing representation of different types of policies; and that could be implemented at a population level rather than being only delivered to a subset of the obese population (such as bariatric surgery). The final set of attributes and levels used in the full study are described in Table 1. The levels on the policy attribute included those that can be classified as: (1) informed by standard economics; (2a) nudge-type behaviorally informed; and (2b) budge-type behaviorally informed.
TABLE 1. Attributes and levels Attribute Levels Policy type Additional cost to you per year, paid as an increase in income taxes by: • $12 per year ($1 per month) • $120 per year ($10 per month) • $240 per year ($20 per month) • $480 per year ($40 per month) Impact on obesity rates in 2020a • 32% will be obese in 2020 (no change to the projected obesity rate) • 31% will be obese in 2020 (moderate reduction in the projected obesity rate) • 29% will be obese in 2020 (large reduction in the projected obesity rate) • 28% will be obese in 2020 (very large reduction in the projected obesity rate) Note: Attribute levels are described in greater detail in Appendix 1. a See Backholer et al. (2010). 2.2.1 Policies consistent with standard economicsThree policies were consistent with standard economics: (i) National mass media campaign to encourage healthy lifestyle choices; (ii) nutritional information labeling using traffic light symbols on the front of all packaged foods; and (iii) taxing sugar sweetened beverages. The mass media campaign was described as focusing on positive messages that can produce positive changes in health-related behaviors, such as diet and exercise, or preventing negative changes in health-related behaviors across the Australian population. Traffic light labeling was described as involving mandatory labeling on the front of all packaged foods to indicate whether the levels of nutrients in a product (such as fat, saturated fat, salt, and sugar) are low (green), medium (orange) or high (red). Taxing sugar sweetened beverages (such as soft drinks) by an additional 20% (World Cancer Research Fund International, 2018) would increase their price. The first two policies provide information to help the rational decision maker make better food and physical activity decisions while the third aims to deter consumption by increasing prices.
2.2.2 Nudge-type behaviorally informed policiesA further three policies were consistent with nudge-type behaviorally informed policies: (iv) Prepaid cards that can only be used to purchase healthy food in supermarkets (other less healthy food would still be available for purchase, but must be paid for separately using cash); (v) a payment incentive for the obese to increase physical activity, entailing a cash incentive to be paid to those who meet weekly physical activity goals; and (vi) funding changes to the built environment (such as extending bicycle paths, building bicycle parking stations, improving conditions for pedestrian travel, and investing in parks and indoor/outdoor sport facilities) to make physical activity safer and more accessible. These policies would preserve individuals' autonomy but make use of behavioral biases to encourage healthier behavior (Oliver, 2018). The first two (prepaid cards and financial incentives) had a narrow focus on individual choices directly related to their nutrition or exercise. Prepaid cards harness the idea that different payment methods (cash, debit) can influence purchasing decisions. Since paying by cash makes the parting of money more visible and ‘painful’ compared with paying by a debit card, where transactions are less visible, prepaid cards can make it easier for people to make healthy food choices and harder to make unhealthy food choices (Just et al., 2008). Paying individuals to engage in healthy behavior is increasingly being considered (Marteau et al., 2009) including in the context of nutrition and physical exercise (Paul-Ebhohimhen & Avenell, 2008; Promberger et al., 2012). The policy of improvements to the built environment had a wider set of potential impacts, with benefits beyond obesity.
2.2.3 Budge-type behaviorally informed policiesThe final two policies were consistent with budge-type behaviorally informed policies: (vii) bans on unhealthy food and drink advertising to children and (viii) improving the nutritional quality of food offered in public institutions. These were behaviorally informed but focused on limiting the capacity for exploitation of people's behavioral biases (Oliver, 2018). Advertising bans are proposed to reduce children's awareness of and desire to consume unhealthy foods and help establish healthy eating patterns, and to limit the promotion of unhealthy food consumption via behavioral biases. Improving nutritional offerings in public institutions would introduce regulations to ensure that no more than 20% of foods sold in catering outlets and vending machines in schools, hospitals and community centers are ‘unhealthy’; or equivalently ensure that 80% of foods sold are healthy. This would constrain the options available to individuals to encourage them to choose from the more plentiful healthy options.
The levels of the effectiveness attribute (impact on obesity rates) were informed by previous modeling of feasible projections of obesity rates (Backholer et al., 2010). Cost levels were informed by discussion at the focus groups of willingness to pay for obesity policies. As noted below, each attribute was described in detail using Avatar narrated videos which have been successfully used to improve respondent understanding of attributes/levels and choice tasks (Lancsar et al., 2020). When completing the choice task, respondents could also access a glossary to remind themselves of the meaning of the attributes and levels (contained at Appendix 1).
2.3 Experimental design and choice taskThe decision of interest in each choice set was between a constant status quo and two generic alternatives (Policy A and Policy B). The status quo was described as no additional policy interventions would be funded, no cost and no change to the projected obesity rate (i.e., 32% would be obese in 2020). To generate the alternatives A and B per choice set, we started with the full factorial design in 128 rows (4 × 4 × 8). To be able to estimate all two-way interactions we applied two generators to create 256 choice sets (Street & Burgess, 2007). Importantly, this allowed broad coverage of the design space. In order to identify interactions, some choice sets necessarily included cost and effect levels the same across the alternatives A and B, but the 8 level policy attribute always differed across alternative A and B to maximize information obtained on policy preferences. In addition to the necessity to allow for interactions, having some attributes levels the same across alternatives also reduces cognitive burden. We blocked the 256 choice sets into 16 versions of 16 choice sets with respondents randomly assigned to versions. The design was balanced with each level of each attribute appearing approximately the same number of times in each block and in each alternative.
Following the pilot, the choice question was also changed to a best-best approach rather than a best-worst DCE for the full study preference elicitation task, to reduce cognitive burden (Ghijben et al., 2014). For the purposes of this paper, we harness data from the standard (first) choice from the full choice set only.
2.4 Online survey and data collectionAs can be seen from the glossary of policies (and attributes and levels more generally) contained in Appendix 1, some of the policies would have been very new to respondents. While the general topic of obesity is often in the popular press, respondents were unlikely to come to the survey with a detailed understanding of obesity, BMI, and related information. For this reason, we developed an avatar-narrated background to the online survey. The avatar explained the purpose of the survey, discussed obesity, its causes, associated adverse health outcomes, social patterning and costs, and policies designed to reduce or prevent obesity (see Appendix 2). It explained the choice task and each attribute in detail using pictures and diagrams. When making decisions in the choice sets, respondents could click on a link to see a textual glossary to remind themselves of the meaning of each of the attributes (Appendix 1). Respondents were asked to consider any attributes not included in the description of the alternatives as constant across the alternatives.
An example choice set is contained in Figure 1. Each choice set contained two new policy alternatives and a constant status quo. A citizen framing was used: respondents were asked to suppose the Australian government is considering introducing new policies aimed at reducing obesity and is interested in learning about their preferences, as tax-paying citizens. Given this framing and the use of increase in taxes as the payment vehicle for the cost attribute, the survey was administered to a sample of taxpayers from an online panel, with invitees selected according to quotas to be representative of Australian taxpayers in terms of age and gender. Members of the online panel accessed an invitational web link, completed a set of initial screening questions to determine eligibility, and after watching and listening to the avatar-narrated background, completed 16 choice tasks followed by questions asking about the clarity of the task and a set of socio-demographic questions (see Appendix 4).
Example Choice Set. Initially respondents just saw the standard discrete choice experiment (DCE) set up depicted in the top panel from which they chose best as is standard in DCEs. After that choice, the bottom panel was shown from which respondents chose the best of the remaining two options. As noted above, data from only the first best alternative (chosen in the top half of the figure) are harnessed in the analysis below
2.5 Analytical framework 2.5.1 Choice models Data from DCEs are modeled within a random utility theory framework which assume the utility respondent i derives from choosing alternative j in choice set s is decomposed intoOur analytical approach started with the estimation of an MNL model and determination of functional form on the basis of goodness of fit. In particular, we tested for higher order polynomials on cost and effect and all two-way attribute interactions. We used the implied preferred functional form in the estimation of the latent class logit model. We specified that the class membership model was a function of participant characteristics and selected the optimal number of classes based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) as well as precision of the parameter estimates with a range of 2-5 classes tested.
2.5.2 Predicted probability analysisPredicted probability analysis allows investigation of the relative impact of each of the attributes on choice (Lancsar et al., 2007) and more specifically in this study was undertaken to predict the uptake of each of the policy options accounting for effectiveness and cost. This allows exploration of social acceptability of the eight policies. In particular, we harnessed the parameter results (which provide the marginal utility response for each attribute) from the preferred choice model and set the policy type, effectiveness, and cost to particular values of interest and used equation (5) to predict the percentage uptake of that combination. Given uncertainty around the effectiveness of each policy, the analysis was undertaken assuming a 1 percentage-point improvement in obesity rates and redone assuming 4 percentage-point improvement in obesity rates. For each policy type, cost (in terms of higher taxes per taxpayer per month) was set to a value expected to be involved in implementing that policy. These were sourced from the literature and, where possible, existing policies. Further detail of feasible cost values for each policy are available in Appendix 3. Predictions were made by defining the nine alternatives (eight policies and the status quo) and predicting the alternative that would have the highest probability of choice for each individual, based on the estimated coefficients from the model and the predicted class membership for each individual. To explore distributional aspects, we also investigated how the predicted percentage of taxpayers that would choose a policy as best varied across key respondent characteristics including age, gender, income, weight, and weight satisfaction.
We also calculated the willingness to pay additional taxes for each policy to be implemented, at an effectiveness of 1 percentage-point improvement in obesity rates, using the Hicksian compensating variation calculated as follows:We proxy for , the marginal utility of income, using the additive inverse of the estimated coefficient on cost.
is the value of the systematic component of the utility function calculated for a no-policy scenario, while
is its value for each policy in turn (using the estimated coefficients from the model to calculate
The sample comprised 996 respondents, representative of Australian taxpayers in age and gender, who completed the online survey in 2017. Sample characteristics are described in Table 2. Only 5% of the sample reported that it was difficult to choose the best option, with 62% reporting that it was an easy task. When asked what aspect of the effectiveness of the policies was foremost in their consideration, 30% reported that they thought about reduction in obesity itself, 23% reduction in associated health conditions, 18% reduction in health care costs, 22% improvement in overall wellbeing, and 6% another aspect of effectiveness.
TABLE 2. Sample characteristics (by latent class) Full sample Class 1 2 3 No. % No. % No. % No. % Gender Female 439 44% 186 46% 160 43% 93 42% Male 557 56% 215 54% 214 57% 128 58% Age 18–29 206 21% 95 24% 76 20% 35 16% 30–44 326 33% 126 31% 127 34% 73 33% 45–59 320 32% 122 30% 118 32% 80 36% 60–74 120 12% 46 11% 45 12% 29 13% 75+ 24 2% 12 3% 8 2% 4 2% BMI category BMI <20 77 8% 27 7% 28 7% 22 10% BMI 20–25 331 33% 113 28% 127 34% 91 41% BMI 25–30 325 33% 135 34% 119 32% 71 32% BMI 30+ 263
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