From the Heart of the Father to the Ends of the Earth: The Participation of the Church and the Baptized in the Mission of Jesus

Mission has its origin in the inner life of God; their relationships with one another define the Persons of the Trinity. The Son is eternally generated by the Father, eternally proceeding from Him. When he becomes human, this identity becomes mission. Those united to Jesus through Baptism share in his missionary personality, not only corporately as the whole Church but individually as well. Beginning with the Second Vatican Council, and developed by subsequent papal teaching, the Church has rediscovered her missionary nature with clearer reference to Christ and the Gospel, and in more direct relation to the world and its needs. The Church’s proclamation is most compelling when it is embodied by witnesses who have verified by experience the fulfillment of their humanity in a lived Christianity. This proposal is never a one-sided matter, but always involves an awareness of solidarity and reciprocity, an experience of encounter and discovery, and so becomes a journey of accompaniment and conversion for the bearer of the message. This is the rationale for widespread participation in missionary activities in the Church. Because of its affinity with the healing ministry of Jesus, medicine offers a unique possibility in this regard. Precisely because of the good they can accomplish and the challenges they can provoke, medical missions present a privileged opportunity for witness and generosity, but also for a new perspective and a changed heart for the participants. Together with those whom they serve, missionary disciples have the joy of joining the triumphal procession of Christ back into the heart of the Father.

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