Current Trends of Practices in Nonclinical Toxicology: An Industry Survey

The growth in drug development over the past years reflects significant advancements in basic sciences and a greater understanding of molecular pathways of disease. Benchmarking industry practices has been important to enable a critical reflection on the path to evolve pharmaceutical testing, and the outcome of past industry surveys has had some impact on best practices in testing. A survey was provided to members of SPS, ACT, and STP. The survey consisted of 37 questions and was provided to 2550 participants with a response rate of 24%. Most respondents (∼75%) came from the US and Europe. The survey encompassed multiple topics encountered in nonclinical testing of pharmaceuticals. The most frequent target indications were oncology (69%), inflammation (55%), neurology/psychiatry/pain (46%), cardiovascular (44%), and metabolic diseases (39%). The most frequent drug-induced toxicology issues confronted were hepatic, hematopoietic, and gastrointestinal. Toxicological effects that impacted the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) were most frequently based on histopathology findings. The survey comprised topics encountered in the use of biomarkers in nonclinical safety assessment, most commonly those used to assess inflammation, cardiac/vascular, renal, and hepatic toxicity as well as common practices related to the assessment of endocrine effects, carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, juvenile and male-mediated developmental and female reproductive toxicity. The survey explored the impact of regulatory meetings on program design, application of the 3 Rs, and reasons for program delays. Overall, the survey results provide a broad perspective of current practices based on the experience of the scientific community engaged in nonclinical safety assessment.

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