Correction to: Chapter “Feeding Behavioural Studies with Freshwater Gammarus spp.: The Importance of a Standardised Methodology” in: Giulia Consolandi, Alex T. Ford, and Michelle C. Bloor, Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,
The original version of the chapter was inadvertently published with a couple of fundamental mistakes in the Conclusion section on page 36. The sentences on the 5th line from the top of page 36 should read as
“The authors recommend that the position of the constant is dependent on when the leaves are conditioned and dried. If the leaves are conditioned after being dried and weighed, the constant should multiply with the initial dry weight, so that it takes into consideration that the leaf disc might have lost more weight through being submerged in water during the experiment. However, if the leaf discs are dried and weighed after being conditioned, the final dry weight should be divided by the constant, because some of the leaf material might have been lost through leaching and not through Gammarid feeding.”
The original article was corrected.
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