Congratulations to Tadayoshi Murakawa, who won the 2020 JCS Prize for his paper entitled ‘An autophagy-dependent tubular lysosomal network synchronizes degradative activity required for muscle remodeling’. Find out more about Tadayoshi and read his winning paper.
'FocalPlane features...' webinar seriesWe’re excited to announce the new 'FocalPlane features…' webinar series. Covering all aspects of microscopy, join us on the first Tuesday of every month to hear about the latest research and take part in a virtual networking session with the speaker afterwards.
Save your spot at our next sessions:
6 July
Speaker: Eva Nogales
3 August
Speaker: Michael Dustin
Although in-person meetings are still on hold, we’re always happy to chat about JCS and The Company of Biologists. Our Editors are out and about, virtually of course, throughout May and June:
Petra Gross (Senior Editor)
Targeted Protein Degradation: From Small Molecules to Complex Organelles
6 – 9 June
Sharon Ahmad (Executive Editor)
SIBBM 2021 – Frontiers in Molecular Biology
7 – 10 June
Now in his fourth year of running his own lab, Liang Ge tells us about his journey to becoming a PI at Tsinghua University, discusses autophagy and UPS, and shares the best piece of science-related advice he’s received.
Read & Publish agreement with EIFLWe are pleased to announce that researchers in 30 developing and transition economy countries can benefit from immediate and fee-free Open Access publishing in Journal of Cell Science following a new agreement with Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL).
We now have over 200 institutions in more than 20 countries and six library consortia participating in our read & Publish initiative. Find out more and view the full list of participating institutions.
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