Factors associated with COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in French nursing homes


Brief summary:

Male gender, diabetes, an altered level of consciousness, and dyspnea were all associated with a greater risk of hospitalization. Male gender, thermal dysregulation, and being aged >85 years old were all associated with increased mortality risk.


The authors would like to thank the residents, healthcare workers and administrators in the participating nursing homes for their involvement. It was a true privilege for our hospital to collaborate with them. We especially thank Mrs. Sassoletti, Mrs. Amani, the coordinating physicians (Dr. Roux, Dr. Labarièrre, Dr. Peyrouse, Dr. Rambaud, Dr. Dilinger, Dr. Beaudet, Dr. Adevah, Dr. San José, Dr. Vidal, Dr. Amar, Dr. Bru and Dr. Midejean) and Dr. Herin from the Cerballiance Laboratory for making our work easier. Our thanks also to Pr. S. Honoré for his support.

Declaration of Sources of Funding: None

Author contributions:

Couderc, Correard and Daumas had full access to all of the data in the study, and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Couderc and Correard are joint first authors; Villani and Daumas are joint last authors.

Study concept and design: Couderc, Correard, Villani and Daumas

Data acquisition: All authors

Data analysis and interpretation: Couderc, Correard, Zeinab, Berbis and Daumas

Drafting of the manuscript: Couderc, Correard, Berbis, Villani and Daumas

Availability of data and materials:

The data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Declaration of conflicts of interest: ALC reports personal fees from BMS, Ferring and Nutricia outside the submitted work. FC reports personal fees from Novartis, BMS, AstraZeneca and Pierre Fabre outside the submitted work. All authors declare no competing interests.

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