High-resolution estimates of HIV burden across space and time provide an important tool for tracking and monitoring the progress of prevention and control efforts and assist with improving the precision and efficiency of targeting efforts. We aimed to assess HIV incidence and HIV mortality for all second-level administrative units across sub-Saharan Africa.
MethodsIn this modelling study, we developed a framework that used the geographically specific HIV prevalence data collected in seroprevalence surveys and antenatal care clinics to train a model that estimates HIV incidence and mortality among individuals aged 15–49 years. We used a model-based geostatistical framework to estimate HIV prevalence at the second administrative level in 44 countries in sub-Saharan Africa for 2000–18 and sought data on the number of individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) by second-level administrative unit. We then modified the Estimation and Projection Package (EPP) to use these HIV prevalence and treatment estimates to estimate HIV incidence and mortality by second-level administrative unit.
FindingsThe estimates suggest substantial variation in HIV incidence and mortality rates both between and within countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with 15 countries having a ten-times or greater difference in estimated HIV incidence between the second-level administrative units with the lowest and highest estimated incidence levels. Across all 44 countries in 2018, HIV incidence ranged from 2·8 (95% uncertainty interval 2·1–3·8) in Mauritania to 1585·9 (1369·4–1824·8) cases per 100 000 people in Lesotho and HIV mortality ranged from 0·8 (0·7–0·9) in Mauritania to 676·5 (513·6–888·0) deaths per 100 000 people in Lesotho. Variation in both incidence and mortality was substantially greater at the subnational level than at the national level and the highest estimated rates were accordingly higher. Among second-level administrative units, Guijá District, Gaza Province, Mozambique, had the highest estimated HIV incidence (4661·7 [2544·8–8120·3]) cases per 100 000 people in 2018 and Inhassunge District, Zambezia Province, Mozambique, had the highest estimated HIV mortality rate (1163·0 [679·0–1866·8]) deaths per 100 000 people. Further, the rate of reduction in HIV incidence and mortality from 2000 to 2018, as well as the ratio of new infections to the number of people living with HIV was highly variable. Although most second-level administrative units had declines in the number of new cases (3316 [81·1%] of 4087 units) and number of deaths (3325 [81·4%]), nearly all appeared well short of the targeted 75% reduction in new cases and deaths between 2010 and 2020.
InterpretationOur estimates suggest that most second-level administrative units in sub-Saharan Africa are falling short of the targeted 75% reduction in new cases and deaths by 2020, which is further compounded by substantial within-country variability. These estimates will help decision makers and programme implementers expand access to ART and better target health resources to higher burden subnational areas.
FundingBill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
IntroductionAs the HIV pandemic enters its fifth decade, several indicators have been proposed to help describe the burden of HIV, measure the effectiveness of public health efforts, and guide decision making. Among the most useful and commonly cited indicators are the HIV incidence rate, the HIV mortality rate, the percentage reduction in the number of incident HIV cases and HIV deaths, and the ratio of incident HIV cases to people living with HIV.1Ghys PD Williams BG Over M Hallett TB Godfrey-Faussett P Epidemiological metrics and benchmarks for a transition in the HIV epidemic. The UN Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS calls for a 75% reduction in new HIV infections and HIV deaths from 2010 to 2020.2UN General AssemblyEvidence before this study
We searched PubMed with no language restrictions for articles published since database inception until Dec 31, 2020, using the following search terms: “hiv[MeSH] AND (“mortality” OR “incidence” OR “prevalence”) AND “subnational” AND (trend*)”. Previous research has shown that substantial local (spatial) variation exists in HIV incidence, and modelling studies comparing geographically targeted with non-geographically targeted prevention strategies have suggested that geographically targeted strategies are more efficient in preventing new HIV infections under the same budgetary constraints. Trends in HIV mortality and incidence have varied at both regional and country levels, resulting in differing trends in HIV prevalence, and this dynamic is further complicated by the paucity of directly observed empirical data on HIV incidence and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa and other high-burden low-income and middle-income countries. Renewed commitment is required to assess progress towards global targets at a subnational scale, to ensure no sub-populations are left behind, and to support sub-Saharan Africa in getting on track to bring HIV infection under control by 2030.
Added value of this study
Although many initiatives provide national estimates for HIV metrics (and at the administrative level in some countries), there are few HIV incidence and mortality estimates and necessary methodological innovation at more detailed subnational scales. This study suggests substantial variation exists in HIV incidence and mortality rates both between and within countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with highly variable rates of reduction in HIV incidence and mortality and the ratio of new infections to the number of people living with HIV from 2000 to 2018. Although most second-level administrative units had declines in the number of new cases and attributable deaths, nearly all appeared well short of the targeted 75% reduction in new cases and deaths between 2010 and 2020.
Implications of all the available evidence
By improving and extending existing HIV incidence and mortality estimates in sub-Saharan Africa at a subnational scale, this study provides valuable estimates to help gauge progress towards ending the HIV epidemic by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 3) and provides an important tool to improve the precision and efficiency of targeting interventions within countries.
Because trends in HIV incidence and mortality are largely not directly observed at the national level in sub-Saharan Africa, estimates are developed by fitting mathematical models to data on trends in HIV prevalence. The Estimation and Projection Package (EPP),8Ghys PD Brown T Grassly NC et al.The UNAIDS Estimation and Projection Package: a software package to estimate and project national HIV epidemics. developed by UNAIDS and also used by the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study,9Frank TD Carter A Jahagirdar D et al.Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980–2017, and forecasts to 2030, for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017., 10Vos T Lim SS Abbafati C et al.Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. provides a well-tested structure for leveraging the HIV prevalence data available from population surveys and antenatal care sentinel surveillance sites to estimate HIV incidence and mortality. UNAIDS, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and others have called for incorporating local data and estimates into country HIV response strategies, given subnational heterogeneity in the HIV epidemic. Although subnational estimates of HIV prevalence and antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage are increasingly common, to our knowledge, estimates of HIV incidence and mortality are not yet routinely available below the first administrative level.Here, we present a modified version of the EPP model, which combines developments in spatial demography,11WorldPopThe model has five key inputs: (1) the boundaries (or shapes) used to define the second-level administrative units we are modelling; (2) the size of the population aged 15–49 years over time that we used as the demographic bases for the hypothetical epidemics; (3) the modelled HIV prevalence in each of the second-level administrative units; (4) the number of people on ART in each second-level administrative unit; and (5) the assumptions used about how likely a person living with HIV is to die from their infection.
To delineate the boundaries of the second-level administrative units we began with the second-level administrative shapefiles that are publicly available from the Database of Global Administrative Areas. These boundaries were modified to correct for known errors and to accommodate recent boundary changes. A full list of changes and the naming convention for first-level and second-level administrative units across the 44 countries in sub-Saharan Africa can be found in the appendix (pp 49–51).To estimate populations in second-level administrative units, we used high-resolution gridded population estimates that were age specific and sex specific from WorldPop.11WorldPopTo account for uncertainty in our estimates of HIV incidence and mortality when assessing progress towards achievement of the UNAIDS target of a 75% reduction in new HIV infections and HIV deaths, we calculated the posterior probability of achieving these targets as the percentage of draws from the estimated posterior distribution where these targets were achieved.
Role of the funding sourceThe funders of this study had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.
ResultsWe found marked regional differences in HIV incidence and mortality among individuals aged 15–49 years from Jan 1, 2000, to Dec 31, 2018. Across the entire modelled region in 2018, the HIV incidence rate was 218·1 (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 196·4–239·1) cases per 100 000 people and the HIV mortality rate was 87·2 (76·6–101·1) deaths per 100 000 people. At the national level in 2018, HIV incidence ranged from 2·8 (2·1–3·8) cases per 100 000 people in Mauritania to 1585·9 (1369·4–1824·8) cases per 100 000 people in Lesotho (figure 1A; appendix p 37), and HIV mortality ranged from 0·8 (0·7–0·9) deaths per 100 000 people in Mauritania and 676·5 (513·6–888·0) deaths per 100 000 people in Lesotho (figure 2A; appendix p 39). The variation in both incidence and mortality was substantially greater at the subnational compared with the national level and the highest estimated rates were accordingly higher. The first-level administrative unit with the highest estimated HIV incidence rate in 2018 was Gaza Province in Mozambique, with an incidence rate of 2805·9 (2118·0–3611·2) cases per 100 000 people (figure 1B). Among second-level administrative units, Guijá District in Gaza Province, Mozambique, had the highest estimated HIV incidence, with 4661·7 (2544·8–8120·3) cases per 100 000 people in 2018 (figure 1C). Among second-level administrative units, Inhassunge District in Zambezia Province, Mozambique, had the highest HIV mortality rate estimate at 1163·0 (679·0–1866·8) deaths per 100 000 people (figure 2C).Figure 1HIV incidence among individuals aged 15–49 years in sub-Saharan Africa in 2018
Show full captionIncidence among individuals aged 15–49 years by (A) country, (B) first-level administrative unit, and (C) second-level administrative unit. Lakes and areas with fewer than ten people per 1 × 1 km and classified as barren or sparsely vegetated are coloured light grey. Areas in dark grey were not included in the analysis. Estimates in areas that are crossed are based on national, rather than subnational, estimates of antiretroviral therapy coverage only.
Figure 2HIV mortality among individuals aged 15–49 years in sub-Saharan Africa in 2018
Show full caption(A) HIV mortality among individuals aged 15–49 years by country, (B) first-level administrative unit, and (C) second-level administrative unit. Lakes and areas with fewer than ten people per 1 × 1 km and classified as barren or sparsely vegetated are coloured light grey. Areas in dark grey were not included in the analysis. Estimates in areas that are crossed are based on national, rather than subnational, estimates of antiretroviral therapy coverage only.
In addition to large-scale variation across the region, we also found substantial within-country variation in HIV incidence and mortality. In 2018, 15 countries (Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia) had a greater than ten-times difference in HIV incidence between the second-level administrative units with the lowest and highest estimated incidence levels. Of those 15 countries, 11 also had a greater than ten-times difference in HIV mortality rates between their lowest and highest second-level administrative units. Kenya was a particularly extreme example of this variability, with incidence rate estimates ranging from 14·2 (95% UI 4·1–41·3) cases per 100 000 people in Eldas Constituency, Wajir County, to 1767·0 (939·7–2957·9) cases per 100 000 people in Rarieda Constituency, Siaya County, and HIV mortality rate estimates ranging from 5·7 (2·4–15·2) deaths per 100 000 people in Eldas Constituency, Wajir County, to 789·5 (524·9–1165·1) in Suba Constituency, Homa Bay County, in 2018.
In absolute terms, incident HIV cases and HIV deaths were highly concentrated in high-population locations. In 2018, we estimated 1 138 827 (95% UI 1 025 447–1 248 270) incident HIV cases across the 44 modelled countries. 50% of these incident HIV cases in 2018 were located in just 148 (3·6%) of 4087 second-level administrative units that collectively represented 13·7% of the total population in this region (figure 3A). Most of these high-burden administrative units were located in southern sub-Saharan Africa; in particular, both Lesotho and South Africa had more than 50% of their second-level administrative units in this category. Conversely, 2630 (64·4%) of 4087 second-level administrative units, representing 38·2% of the total population, accounted for less than 10% of the total estimated incident HIV cases.Figure 3Incident HIV cases and deaths among individuals aged 15–49 years in sub-Saharan Africa in 2018
Show full caption(A) Number of incident HIV cases and (B) HIV deaths among individuals aged 15–49 years in 2018 by second-level administrative unit. Lakes and areas with fewer than ten people per 1 × 1 km and classified as barren or sparsely vegetated are coloured light grey. Areas in dark grey were not included in the analysis. Estimates in areas that are crossed are based on national, rather than subnational, estimates of antiretroviral therapy coverage only.
In 2018, we estimated that 455 244 (95% UI 399 851–527 712) HIV deaths took place in the 44 modelled countries. Only 224 (5·5%) of 4087 second-level administrative units, representing 22·3% of the total population, accounted for 50% of the estimated deaths (figure 3B). 2364 (57·8%) of 4087 second-level administrative units, representing 30·0% of the total population, contributed less than 10% of the total estimated HIV deaths in 2018.The UNAIDS fast-track goals,2UN General AssemblyFigure 4Percentage reduction in incident HIV cases in sub-Saharan Africa from 2010 to 2018
Show full caption(A) Reduction in the number of incident HIV cases (%) between 2010 and 2018 among individuals aged 15–49 years by country, (B) first-level administrative unit, and (C) second-level administrative unit. Lakes and areas with fewer than ten people per 1 × 1 km and classified as barren or sparsely vegetated are coloured light grey. Areas in dark grey were not included in the analysis. Estimates in areas that are crossed are based on national, rather than subnational, estimates of antiretroviral therapy coverage only. A 75% reduction in HIV incidence by 2020 is a UNAIDS fast-track goal. Progress towards this target by country highlighting the best and worst performing subnational units is shown in panel D.
Our estimates suggest that increases in the number of incident HIV cases are far too common. At the national level, Angola (61·2% [95% UI 49·2–73·9] increase), Equatorial Guinea (77·3% [52·1–103·8]), Guinea (14·3% [0·72–32·2])
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