Digit Replantation Outcomes at High-Volume Hospitals

Hand and finger injury results in more than 4.8 million emergency room visits in the US each year. Conn J.M. Annest J.L. Ryan G.W. Budnitz D.S. Non-work-related finger amputations in the United States, 2001-2002.

Ann Emerg Med. 2005; 45: 630-635

Traumatic amputation accounts for many of these, with an incidence of 7.5/100,000 person-years. Reid D.B.C.S. Kalpit N. Eltorai A.E.M. et al. Epidemiology of finger amputations in the United States from 1997 to 2016.

J Hand Surg Online. 2019; 1: 45-51

Though not all patients are candidates for replantation, advances in microvascular technique have expanded indication, especially in tertiary care centers. Replantation has a high level of patient satisfaction and can be cost-effective. Yoon A.P. Mahajani T. Hutton D.W. et al. Cost-effectiveness of finger replantation compared with revision amputation.

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, Chung K.C. Yoon A.P. Malay S. et al. Patient-reported and functional outcomes after revision amputation and replantation of digit amputations: The FRANCHISE multicenter international retrospective cohort study.

JAMA Surg. 2019; 154: 637-646

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