“One of the first truly global collections of essays on digital journalism, this volume reaches far and wide to spread its timely message that journalistic practice never develops in a vacuum. With essays from every continent, it traverses democracies and autocracies, Global North and Global South, to expose the various dimensions of power that center and marginalize canons of knowledge about journalism.” (Barbie Zelizer, Raymond Williams Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication - University of Pennsylvania)
“The editors of this eclectic volume, Mutsvairo and Orgeret, have brought together over 30 researchers and scholars, representing diverse nations and regions of the world to collectively explore the contemporary International Approaches to Digital Journalism Studies. Central to understanding news and reporting in the digital age, this excellent collection is a welcome addition to the existing literature in the field of global communication and journalism.” (Yahya R. Kamalipour, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, North Carolina A&T State University, United States)
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