Doxapram for apnea of prematurity - the importance of maintaining equipoise

With great interest, we read the recent article by Tréluyer and colleagues.1 The authors investigated the long-term neurodevelopmental impact of doxapram for preventing apnea of prematurity in a population-based cohort study, using 2:1 propensity score matching. They found no association between the use of doxapram and neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 5–6 years in children born before 32 weeks of gestation.

Although the results provide insights into the use and impact of doxapram in premature infants, the authors’ statement that this study might reassure clinicians about the long-term consequences of doxapram in the treatment of apnea of prematurity is, in our opinion, debatable.

First, the lack of information about doxapram …

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