This study was supported by The University Medical Center St Radboud Foundation, which received funding from Pfizer, Janssen, AbbVie, Novartis, LEO Pharma, UCB, and Lilly for this project. Pfizer, Janssen, AbbVie, Novartis, LEO Pharma, UCB, and Lilly played no role in the design and execution of this study or in data collection, data management, data analysis, interpretation of the data, manuscript preparation, manuscript review or manuscript approval.
Conflicts of InterestSarah E. Thomas carries out clinical trials for Janssen and Novartis and has received speaking fees from AbbVie and Eli Lilly. All funding is not personal but goes to the independent Research Fund of the Department of Dermatology, Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc), Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Marieke M.B. Seyger received grants from and was involved in clinical trials from AbbVie, Amgen, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Leo Pharma and Pfizer. She served as a consultant for AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Leo Pharma, Novartis, Pfizer an UCB; fees were paid directly to the Department of Dermatology, Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc), Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Marisol E. Otero has acted as a consultant for Eli Lilly. Antoni H. Gostynski is an advisory board member for AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, Regeneron, UCB and Sanofi. He also has shares in AbbVie, Janssen, GSK, Sanofi, UCB and Pfizer and is a speaker for Sanofi, AbbVie, and UCB. Inge M. Haeck has been a consultant, advisory board member, and/or speaker for AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, Regeneron, and Sanofi-Genzyme. Sharon R.P. Dodemont has attended advisory boards for Abbvie, Janssen and Leo Pharma. Ron A. Tupker has attended advisory boards from Leo Pharma, Sanofi, and Eli Lilly Netherlands. Martijn B.A. van Doorn is, or recently was, a speaker and/or advisor for, and/or has received research funding from, Novartis, AbbVie, Pfizer, LEO pharma, Sanofi, Lilly, Janssen, UCB, BMS, Celgene, and Third Harmonic outside the submitted work. Milan Tjioe has carried out clinical trials for Abbvie, Allmiral, Cellgene, Eli Lilly, Incyte, Leo Pharma, Moonlake, and Novartis. All trial funding is not personal but goes to the independent research fund of the Department of Dermatology of Bravis Hospital Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands. He has received speaking fees from/attended advisory boards for Abbvie, Novartis, Pfizer and UCB, and reimbursement for attending a symposium from UCB. Juul M.P.A. van den Reek carried out clinical trials for AbbVie, Celgene, Almirall, and Janssen, and has received speaking fees from/attended advisory boards for AbbVie, Janssen, BMS, Almirall, LEO Pharma, Novartis, UCB and Eli Lilly, and reimbursement for attending or chairing a symposium from Janssen, Pfizer, Celgene, and AbbVie. All funding is not personal but goes to the independent research fund of the Department of Dermatology, Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc), Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Elke M.G.J. de Jong received research grants for the Department of Dermatology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, from AbbVie, BMS, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Leo Pharma, Lilly, Novartis, and UCB; has acted as consultant and/or paid speaker for and/or participated in research sponsored by companies that manufacture drugs used for the treatment of psoriasis or eczema, including AbbVie, Amgen, Almirall, Boehringer-Ingelheim, BMS, Celgene, Galapagos, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Lilly, Novartis, Leo Pharma, Sanofi and UCB. All funding is not personal but goes to the Institution Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Josje E. Mangnus, Marcellus D. Njoo, Paul M. Ossenkoppele, Judith H.J. Hendricksen-Roelofzen, John E.M. Körver, Maartje A.M. Berends, Lizelotte M.J.T. Weppner-Parren, Romy R.M.C. Keijsers, Annet M. Oostveen, Bas Peters, Roland Mommers, Wendelien R. Veldkamp, Astrid L.A. Kuijpers, and Marloes M. Kleinpenning have no conflicts of interest to declare in relation to this work.
Ethical ApprovalEthical approval was not necessary due to the non-interventional nature of this study, however written informed consent was obtained from each included patient before inclusion in the BioCAPTURE registry.
Consent to ParticipateNot applicable.
Consent for PublicationYes, patients gave consent for publication of analyses based on individual data.
Availability of Data and MaterialsThe individual patient data are not publicly available. Patients gave consent for publication of analyses based on individual data.
Code AvailabilityNot available.
Authors’ ContributionsCRediT taxonomy: Conceptualization: SET, MMBS, JEM, JMPAvdR, EMGJdJ. Methodology: SET, MMBS, JE M, JMPAvdR, EMGJdJ. Formal analysis and investigation: SET, JEM, JMPAvdR. Writing – original draft preparation: SET, JEM. Writing – review and editing: MMBS, JMPAvdR, ME O, AHG, MDN, PM, IM H, JHJH, JEMK, SRPD, RAT, MAMB, LMJTW, RRMCK, AMO, BP, JMM, MBAvD, MT, WV, ALAK, MMK, EMGJdJ. Funding acquisition: JMPAvdR, MEO, EMGJdJ. Resources: MEO, AHG, MDN, PMO, IMH, JHJH, JEMK, SRPD, RAT, MAMB, LMJTW, RRMCK, AMO, BP, JMM, MBAvD, MT, WV, ALAK, MMK. Supervision: MMBS, JMPAvdR, EMGJdJ.
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