Claudia Florina Bogdan-Andreescu, Carmen Liliana Defta, Ştefan-Dimitrie Albu, Andreea Manea, Oana Botoacǎ, Emily-Alice Russu, Cristina-Crenguţa Albu
ABSTRACTArtificial intelligence (AI) is nowadays broadly used in dental medicine to reduce time chair, improve the quality of treatment, and perform personalized dental care. Aim of the study. The study aims to use AI to predict caries risk for children and adolescents, based on dietary habits and oral hygiene. Material and methods. The study included 25 healthy school-aged children and adolescents with a range aged between 6 and 17 years old from urban areas with access to dental care services. The database includes age, gender, sweets intake, sweetened beverage intake, carbonated beverages intake, milk consumption, sweetener use, oral hygiene, dental plaque, tartar, dental caries, and teeth malposition. Results. After the learning process, the algorithm completed 100 predictions simulating subjects. Predictions contain plaque risk, tartar risk, and dental caries risk. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of AI, it can predict dental caries and provide recommendations to patients.
DOI : 10.6261/RJOR.2024.2.16.5
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