Mechanisms of influence of forest ecosystems on the aggregate composition and water stability of soil aggregates in the semi-arid area of southeast Ukraine

Keywords: ordinary chernozem; luvic chernozem; soil organic matter; sand; silt; clay; slopes of northern and southern exposures

Abstract Modern processes of climate change are accompanied by a number of negative factors, which include aridization, desertification, soil degradation and erosion. The research was were carried out on the territory that is the southern border of the distribution of the late glacial phase of the Dnieper glaciation (Middle Pleistocene, 100–230 thousand years ago). The influence of forest ecosystems on the aggregate composition and water stability of soil aggregates, the features of which determine the protection of soils from erosion and other degradation processes in semiarid conditions, was assessed. It has been established that luvic chernozems of forest ecosystems are characterized by an increased content of aggregates of fractions 2–3, 1–2 and 0.5–1.0 mm, as well as water-stable aggregates of fractions > 5, 0.5–1.0 and 0.25–0.5 mm in the 0–20 cm layer compared to ordinary chernozems of steppe ecosystems. The content of soil organic matter is a determining factor on which the aggregate composition and content of water-stable aggregates in luvic chernozems of forest ecosystems depends. The existence of close direct relationships has been established between the content of soil organic matter and the content of aggregates of the 0.5–1.0 mm fraction, as well as between the content of soil organic matter and the content of water-stable aggregates of fractions 3–5, 2–3 and 1–2 mm in chernozems of steppe and forest ecosystems. The existence of close direct relationships between the sand content and the content of water-stable aggregates of fractions 3–5 and 2–3 mm was revealed. The established increase in the content of soil organic matter and sand in luvic chernozems of forest ecosystems compared to ordinary chernozems of steppe ecosystems is the reason for the improvement in the aggregate composition and the increase in the content of water-stable aggregates. This is a key aspect of increasing the resistance of soils in forest ecosystems to various negative factors, such as desertification, degradation, wind and water soil erosion.


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